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Professional portable navigation system, UI design for mobile
application, Convenient operation
Windows CE
TF card of extensible capacity for mapping data, MP4 video, MP3
music, Photo, and personal files
Map for major large and medium scale cities, detailed mapping data,
real voice guidance, automatic smooth switching
Built-in high sensitive GPS receiving module and antenna, Faster
GPS signal receiving and More accurate positioning
Prompt response for both cold and warm start; Re-capture of GPS
signal just in 1 second on average, Accuracy of positioning: no more
than 10 meters; Accuracy of timing: no more than 1 microsecond
Personalized function settingLanguage selection, Backlight
brightness adjustment; Power management, Coordination calibration.
Please install the device in a right way to avoid driver's sight and airbag to be
hindered. Any loss or damage of product, passengers, or other property caused by
mistakes of mounting or installing of the device will be not covered within the warranty
and not be the responsibility of the manufacturer.
Please not put on earphone and operate the device when you drive or ride a bike to
ensure your safety.
Please consult with airline crew for application of the device if you want to use it
during flight.
Please keep the device far away from strong magnetic field which may cause
damage or malfunction to the device.
Please not use earphone with a continuous and large volume for long time, set the
volume at a moderate loudness and use it not for a longtime to avoid possible
damage to your ear audibility.
Please not use chemical solution or cleaner to clean the device to avoid possible
damage to the paint and polish of its surface.
When the device is used as a mobile storage device, please follow right procedures
of file management operation to copy or transfer files. The warranty does not cover
any mistake, or damage, or loss of files
It will be better for you to make a backup copy of your personal files in the device into
your PC or laptop in time
It is prohibited to use higher voltage power supply, to bent or squeeze the power cord
Never use wet hands to pull out or plug in the power plug to avoid possible electric
Not use the device in an environment over 60, or below -10, and with high
humidity as well
The content of this manual is subject to definition, or interpretation, or modification
from time to time for improvement on features and function without prior notice.

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