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Athens A260 (C360) / India / A31008-M1801-Z701-1-7619 / Athen_en_A260_C360.fm / 10.11.2008
Step 3: Registering the handset to
the base station and charging the
battery pack
Precondition: The handset is not already regis-
tered to a base station.
Registering the handset to the Gigaset C360 base
station occurs automatically. Place the handset in
the charging cradle of the base station with its dis-
play facing forward. You will hear a confirmation
tone. Leave the handset in the base station until it
is registered.
Automatic registration can take up to 5 minutes.
While this is happening, Registering flashes in the
screen. The handset is assigned the lowest unas-
signed internal number (1–4). If several handsets
are registered to the base station, the internal
number is shown in the top left of the display after
registration, e.g. 2. If the internal numbers 1 to 4
have already been assigned (four handsets have
already been registered), handset number four is
de-registered and overwritten.
Charging the battery pack
To charge the battery pack, leave the handset in
the base station for approx. 13 hours. The battery
pack is now fully charged. The charge status of the
battery pack is correctly displayed only after unin-
terrupted charging/discharging. Therefore you
should not interrupt the charging procedure.
Charging is electronically controlled to prevent the
battery pack from overcharging. The battery pack
heats up during charging. This is normal and not
dangerous. After a time its charge capacity will
decrease for technical reasons.
You must set the date and time to ensure that the
times of calls are logged correctly (see Menu tree,
page 9).
Once the phone is registered and the time set, the
idle display looks as shown on page 1.
Making calls
Making external calls and ending a call
External calls are calls using the public telephone
(Enter the phone number) ¢c.
The number is dialled. (Or you can first press and
c [dial tone] and then enter the number.)
During the call you can adjust the earpiece volume
End the call/cancel dialling:
Press the end call key
Answering a call
An incoming call is indicated by ringing, by a flash-
ing handsfree key
d and a display on the screen.
You can answer the call by:
Pressing the talk key c.
Press the handsfree key d.
When Auto Answer is activated (see Menu tree,
page 9), simply remove the handset from the base
station/charging cradle.
Displaying the caller's phone number
When you get a call, the caller's phone number will
be displayed on your handset; or the caller's name
will be displayed if it is stored in the directory or if
CNIP has been requested.
1 You have asked your network provider for the
caller's phone number (CLIP) or name (CNIP) to
be displayed on your handset screen.
2 The caller has asked the network provider for
his phone number to be identified (CLI).
appears in the display if you have not
requested Calling Line Identification, Withheld
appears if the caller has withheld CLI, and Unavail-
able if CLI has not been requested by the caller.
Handsfree talking
Once you have entered the phone number you can
immediately call in handsfree mode by pressing
d key lights up continuously). During a call
you can switch between earpiece and handsfree
mode by pressing
d. Set the handsfree volume

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