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Gigaset AS405 / Großbritannien / A31008-M2501-L101-1-7619 / Penguini.fm / 04.08.2014
Template Bali, Version 1, 16.02.2012
First steps
Check the package contents
Base station and handset package: One Gigaset handset, one Gigaset A415A/AS405A base station, one mains adapter,
one phone cord, two batteries, one battery cover, one user guide.
Handset and charging cradle package: One Gigaset handset, one charging cradle with mains adapter, two batteries,
one battery cover, one user guide.
If you have purchased a model with multiple handsets, the package should contain two batteries, a battery cover and
a charging cradle with mains adapter for each additional handset.
Setting up the base station and charging cradle (if included)
The base station and charging cradle are designed for use in enclosed dry rooms with a temperature range of +5 °C to
¤ Set up the base station at a central location on a flat, non-slip surface in your house or apartment. You can also
mount the base station and charging cradle on the wall.
The phone's feet do not usually leave any marks on surfaces. However, due to the multitude of different varnishes and
polishes used on today's furnishings, the occurrence of marks on the surfaces cannot be completely ruled out.
Care: Wipe down the base station, the charging cradle and the handset with a damp cloth (no solvents) or an antistatic
cloth. Never use a dry cloth. This can cause static.
Please note:
Never expose the telephone to the influence of heat sources, direct sunlight or other electrical devices.
Protect your Gigaset from moisture, dust, corrosive liquids and vapours.
Connecting the base station
Connecting the charging cradle (if included)
Please note
Pay attention to the range of the base station. This is up to 300 m in unobstructed outdoor areas and up to 50 m
inside buildings.
¤ First connect the mains adapter 1.
¤ Then connect the telephone jack 2 and insert the
cables into the cable ducts.
Please note:
The mains adapter must always be connected, as the
phone will not operate without mains connection.
Only use the mains adapter and phone cord supplied.
Pin connections on telephone cables can vary.
The answering machine is ready for use approx. 30 sec-
onds after the base station has been connected.
¤ Connect the flat plug from the power
¤ Plug the mains adapter into the plug
If you need to disconnect the plug from the
charging cradle, press the release button
and disconnect the plug

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik heb als vaste telefoon de Gigaset AS 405 met twee toestellen. Op beide sinds vandaag het scherm met de tekst Basis waarbij die op neer gaat! Ik kan niet bellen noch ontvang ik telefoontjes.
    Hoe kan ik de toestellen weer laten functioneren?
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  • nieuwe invoer staat in het display, hoe te verwijderen? Gesteld op 15-9-2021 om 10:28

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  • Ik heb tel. Gekocht gigaset A415 as405...hoe kan ik een fout wissen Gesteld op 8-2-2020 om 11:54

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Gigaset AS405A

Gigaset AS405A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Gigaset AS405A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Gigaset AS405A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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