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Aughmoore is consumed by war...
As the Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Humans
slit each others throats for food and
minerals, the Goblins and Lionkin endured
Aughmoores blight through innovation
and tradition. eir humility and tendency
toward reclusiveness allowed them to remain
innocuous as the world rst began to crumble
under the fog of war—until the Armageddon.
Unleashed through the experimental
weaponization of the dead, the Underworld
rages to consume the world. At the heart of
Aughmoores inner ame, now fueled by the
intensity of emotion and warfare, lies this
sphere of unimaginable horror. Unlocked
by an Elven mage high atop a darkened
spire, the Underworld is the result of hexed
tinkering with the webs of mortality. e
mage channeled the war-furnaced core of
Aughmoore to power his maddened visions of
domination. His infusion returned the souls
of the fallen, intending to drive his risen slaves
against all who opposed him—a mistake for
which the world will pay dearly. e revolt of
the Undead was but a whispered premonition
of Aughmoores newly twisted fate.
e forces of the Underworld seeped into the
swamps and perverted the rot. Fumes of decay
became stronger, piercing and maddening
the Lizardfolk psyche. e Armageddon had
awoken yet another new monster. Warped
visions of unknown lands lled with tempting
treasures tortured the reptilians’ minds. Little
by little, they began to venture forth with wild,
violent curiosity. ey crashed relentlessly at
the gates of fortresses, weathering an endless
war. As the Lizardfolk and Undead armies
clashed, spreading disarray across already war-
torn battleelds, the hatred that drove the war
was now supplemented with true fear.
Panic and dissent propagated in the face of
this madness, and thus the warring races
desperately sought a place of brief refuge to
establish new colonies. In their travels, they
uncovered a long-forgotten race—the Goblins.
inking them weak because of their bastard
heritage and ramshackled nomadic villages,
the naïve races advanced with haste. From
the shanties poured Goblins by the thousands,
armed to their yellow teeth in gadgets and
deadly zzwidgets that eviscerated with ease.
ough long exiled, the Goblins had been lying
in wait, sharpening their rusty blades.
With the Goblins in pursuit and enemies old
and new at every turn, traveling armies turned
to Aughmoores last imaginable sanctuary—the
desert. Mercenaries drilled through abusive sun
for days before spotting a speck of promise on
the horizon. ey rushed toward what their
commanders believed to be mere mirages of
settlements. eir march erupted to riot as
they converged on the humble town square.
ere was a brief stillness in the ghost town
before suddenly, the air shook with ancient
roars—a trap. War had landed unwelcomed
on the sanctied doorstep of powerful beasts.
Aughmoore had just met, for the rst time, the
proud and sturdy stature of the Lionkin.
With the last independent tribes of the land
absorbed into conict, all of Aughmoores
children began to understand there will be no
rest until the chaos is absolved by a single ruler.
Amidst the vengeance, deceit, insanity, and
pride of all, the Underworld expands, bringing
Aughmoore itself closer to total annihilation.
ere will be no peaceful resolve, no nal retreat
from strife, until this land is either united under
one iron order or consumed completely.

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