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Concept in a minute
A white liquid that’s something you eat? Obviously this is milk.
We’re searching for an activity or a sport that uses a white ball.
Let’s add a sub-concept to narrow the possibilities:
Hmm, this activity or sport also uses a cylindrical wooden tool. Now add another sub-concept:
The country is the United States, so we’re talking about baseball!
Here we’re searching for a metallic building located in a place or country associated with the colors blue,
white and red (and not a building that’s blue, white and red). Seems like we’re looking for the Eiffel Tower.
Now a red liquid instead of white? Ketchup, perhaps, or red wine.
Here we’re searching for an animal that’s associated with water. What first comes to mind? A sh.
This is a chainsaw, that is, a mechanical tool that cuts wood.
A man of the arts with a cut ear? Have you guessed? It’s Vincent van Gogh, of course!
Concept contains more to discover than food and animals. If I indicate to you:
Concept is not limited to simple words as it’s also possible to guess famous personalities:
You may have noticed that so far we have used a pawn and cubes of only one color. By adding pawns and
cubes in different colors, you can add sub-concepts to clarify the main concept being sought.
Game overview
In Concept, your goal is to guess words through the association of icons. A team of two players – neighbors at
the table – choose a word or phrase that the other players need to guess. Acting together, they place pieces
judiciously on the available icons on the game board. The first player to discover the word or phrase receives
2 victory points, the team receives points as well, and the player who ends up with the most points wins.
Note that we’ve been designating the main concept with the green pawn,
then bringing one or more sub-concepts into play to clarify the main one.
You can nd more examples at the end of these rules.

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