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- 1 Game Board - 140 Tiles (28 of each color)
- 5 Tile Racks - These Rules
Set Up
Place the board in the center of the table. Each player should take all of the
tiles of one color and a tile rack . Place all of your tiles face down in a pile in
front of you and mix them thoroughly. Draw ve tiles and put them on your
rack so that only you can see them. Randomly choose a player to take the
rst turn. Play then proceeds clockwise around the table.
Goal of the Game
The goal of the game is to create connected groups of your own tiles
on the board, while trying not to capture too many tiles of the same
color. A group is any connected set of like-colored tiles on the board.
Diagonal connections don't count. A tile that isn't next to any tiles of
the same color also counts as a group. At the end of the game, you'll
count the number of groups you have on the board, and the number
of tiles you have of the color that you captured the most, and
whoever has the fewest of these two things combined wins.
Rules for 3 to 5 Players
On your turn, you must take one of the tiles from your rack and
place it on the board. A number tile must go in one of the nine
spaces in the corresponding number column, a letter tile must go in
one of the nine spaces in the corresponding letter row, and a
symbol tile must go in one of the corresponding symbol spaces.
Your BLOCKERS! (wild) tile may go into any space on the board. You
may place a tile on an empty space, or you may capture an
opponent's tile by replacing it with your tile. You may always
capture an opponent's tile if it isn't next to any tiles of the same
color. You may also capture an opponent's tile if it's in a larger
group, as long as you don't split that group into multiple groups.
If none of your tiles can be played into empty spaces, you must capture.
You are not allowed to pass.
When you capture a tile, take the captured tile and put it face
up near your tile rack for all to see.
At the end of your turn, draw another one of your tiles
and put it on your rack.
Game End
After all players draw their nal tiles, everyone gets one more
turn, and then the game ends. At the end of the game, you'll
have four unplayed tiles left on your rack. (SEE FIGURE C)
Count the number of groups you have on the board, and then
count the number of tiles you have of the color that you captured
the most. (If there's a tie for the color you've captured the most,
just count any one of the tying colors.) The winner is the player who
has the fewest of these two things combined. In case of a tie, the
tying player who has the fewest total captures wins. In FIGURE C,
Yellow scores 5 (4 groups plus 1 for captures); Blue scores 4 (2 groups
plus 2 for captures); and Green scores 2 (just 2 groups) and WINS!
Capture Example: In this
scenario, the blue player may
use either his moon” tile, “G” tile,
or “2” tile to replace and capture
the yellow “G” tile.
“Blockers!” wild tile

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