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e kingdoms let you recruit from their slums and prisons; but, otherwise, they
have all but forgotten you. You still control the ancient territory called the “Gift.”
e Gift is bounded by the Starks’ kingdom to the south and the
seas to the east and west. To the north stands the Wall—the
towering dam holding back the wildlings and the other
horrors of the northern wastes. You must settle and
expand your holding in the Gift. After all, starving
and poorly armed men make poor guards.
ere are 6 terrain types. Five of the terrain
types produce a dierent type of resource.
Each resource you receive is represented by a
card. Here’s what each terrain produces:
You only collect resources if you own a settlement or a keep bordering a terrain hex
producing a resource. In the illustration, the red settlement [A] borders the “10” mountains
hex. e blue and black settlements [B] border the “10” pasture. If a “10”
is rolled, the red player receives 1 ore card; and the blue and black
players each receive 1 wool card.
Since the settlements and keeps usually border on
2-3 terrain types, they can “harvest up to 3 dierent
resources based on the dice roll. Here, the yellow
settlement [C] borders on forest, mountains, and
pasture. A settlement at [D] would only harvest the
resources from 2 terrain hexes (pasture and forest).
Finally, a settlement at [E] would only harvest the
resource from 1 terrain hex (hills). However, [E]
is also at an ore trade route.
Since its impossible for you to have settlements
adjacent to all terrain hexes and number tokens, you
may receive certain resources only at rare intervals
(or never). is is tough, because building requires
specic resource combinations.
For this reason, you can trade with the supply
or trade with other players. Make them an oer! A
successful trade might yield you a big build!
You can only build a new settlement on an
unoccupied intersection—provided that one of your
own roads leads to that intersection and the nearest
settlement is at least 2 intersections away.
Carefully consider where you build settlements. ere are
numbers of varying size and pips (dots) on each number token. e
taller the number (and the more pips it has), the more likely you are to roll that
number during the game.
Bottom line: e more frequently a number is rolled, the more often the hexes with those
numbers produce resources. You should consider settling on hexes that have good potential
for production (e.g., 6 & 8 versus 2 or 12). However, these same hexes are often primary
targets for Tormund the Robber.
Game Overview
if yOu are new tO Catan, play the base Game rules befOre yOu play the full Game!
If you are new to Catan, please read this Game Overview rst (page 1). Next, read the Base Game Rules (pages 2-4) and start to play base Catan.
If you already familiar with base Catan, read the rules and play the full
Brotherhood of the Watch
game! ese rules begin on page 5.
If you have questions at any time during your games, you can look up keywords (marked
) in the Rules Reference (included as a separate booklet).
You begin the game with 2 settlements and
2 roads. Each settlement is worth 1 victory point.
You therefore start the game with 2 victory points!
e rst player to acquire 10 victory points on his/her
turn wins the game.
To gain more victory points, you must build new roads and
settlements. You can also upgrade settlements to keeps. Each keep is worth
2 victory points. To build or upgrade, you need to acquire resources.
How do you get resources? It's simple. Each turn, 2 dice are rolled to determine which
terrain hexes produce resources. Each terrain hex is marked with a round number token. If,
for example, a “10” is rolled, all terrain hexes with a “10” number token produce resources—
in the illustration on this page, those terrain hexes are mountains (ore) and a pasture (wool).
To make your rst game as easy as possible,
we use the award-winning "Catan" rules system.
the Robber
standard set-up
Trade Route
produces lumber
produce brick
produces wool
© George R.R. Martin ®2017 FFG & Catan GmbH
© George R.R. Martin ®2017 FFG & Catan GmbH
© George R.R. Martin ®2017 FFG & Catan GmbH
produce grain
produce ore
© George R.R. Martin ®2017 FFG & Catan GmbH
© George R.R. Martin ®2017 FFG & Catan GmbH
Ice Fields
produces nothing

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  • Hallo,

    In het game of thrones Catan spel heb je de 12 zijdige dobbelsteen. Deze is om de wildlings naar hun clearin te laten gaan. Echter gaat de nummer van de clearings tm 8 en de dobbelsteen gaat tm 12. Wat moet je doen als je een van de overige 4 cijfers gooit? Gesteld op 5-1-2023 om 15:34

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