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Basic Operation
Turning on/off
1. Insert one end of the AC ADAPTER into DC IN, and the other end into an electrical outlet.
2. Push the power switch of the player to the ON position. The button is at the top of the back cover.
Insert cards to play photos
Insert your memory card into SD/MS/ MMC card slot according to indicators on the memory card. This unit can
play JPEG and AVI (Motion-JPEG) movie format.
a. When turn on the DPF-700, you’ll only see SETUP
b. Insert your card or USB driver and the storage icon
will pop up. Press the storage device icon to enter
media menu screen.
c. Use Navigation button and ENTER button to
select Photo icon
to enter photo thumbnail
d. Use Navigation button to move to the selected
photo and press ENTER to browse single photo.
Photo Mode
Start playing slide show
In photo browse mode, you’ll see a pause icon. Press ENTER to pop up menu bar and press ENTER again to start
photo slide show.
Rotate, Zoom and Copy, Delete photos
In photo browse mode, Press ENTER to pop up menu bar.
: Use Navigation button to select Rotate icon and press Enter to
rotate photos.
: Use Navigation button to select Zoom icon and press Enter to
zoom photos.
Copy/ Delete:
In DPF-700 photo frame, you can use Copy function to copy photos from memory card to USB pen driver. Please
follow the instructions below.
z After turning on the photo frame, insert memory card and USB pen driver. Choose memory card icon
then select file icon
z In file list screen, use UP / DOWN button to browse files and press LEFT button to confirm file which you want
to delete/ copy.
z Press Enter button to bring up file operation submenu.
z In submenu, use UP/DOWN button and ENTER button to select Copy function in submenu.
It will list the destination list first.
(UDISK: means USB pen drive/ SD: means SD card)
Then use UP/DOWN button to move the cursor to select. Press LEFT button to enter into the final destination.
Press RIGHT button to back to previous folder.
After selecting the destination folder, press ENTER button to do copy function.
Menu ba

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Andere handleiding(en) van Genius DPF-700

Genius DPF-700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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