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the OFF message, the clock
and the water temperature.
Press either, Pump 1, Pump
2, Blower or On/Off key to
restart the system before the
expiration of the 30 minutes
delay. The spa light will ash
a few seconds before the end
of the 30 minutes to warn you
the system is about to resume
its normal operation. When
the system resumes its normal
operation, the display shows
“On“ for 3 seconds.
ThePump 1” indicator
lights up when Pump 1
is on. With dual-speed
pump, indicator will
ash when pump 1 is on
at low speed.
Setting lter cycle
The display will show Fdxx,
xxrepresenting the dura-
tion in hour of the lter cycle.
Use the Up or Down key to
adjust the duration. Use the
Filter key to jump to the next
parameter, lter frequency (FF).
0 = no ltration
24 = continuous ltration
It's not recommended to set this
to "0".
On/Off key
Depending on the spa manu-
facturer, this key may have
one or a combination of the
following functions: Standby
and/or On/Off and/or
Economy mode.
The fi rst mode activates/
deactivates via a short press
on the key.
The second mode, if present,
activates via a long press of
3 to 6 seconds and deacti-
vates via a short press on
the key.
The third mode, if present,
activates via a long press
of 6 to 9 seconds and
deactivates via a short press
on the key.
Quick Reference Card
Series of compact full-function keypads
for in.xe spa systems
The Quick Reference Card provides a quick overview of your spa’s main functions
and the operations accessible with your digital control pad. This QRC depicts a generic
overlay, custom versions may vary.
Standby Mode: This mode
allows you to stop all outputs
and automatic functions with
the exception of the heat
request for 30 minutes.
When active, the display will
toggle between the “Sby”
message, the clock and
the water temperature. In
order to restart the system
before the expiration of the
30 minutes delay, make a
short press on the On/Off
key. The spa light will ash a
few seconds before the end
of the 30 minutes to warn
you the system is about to
resume its normal operation.
When the system resumes its
normal operation the display
shows “Onfor 3 seconds.
Pump 1/Off key
Press Pump 1 key to turn
Pump 1 on at low speed.
Press a second time to turn
pump to high speed (with a
dual-speed pump*). A third
time turns pump off. A built-in
timer automatically turns
pump off after 20 minutes,
unless pump has been
manually deactivated rst.
A long press of 5 seconds will
enable the Off mode. This mode
allows you to stop all outputs
including all automatic func-
tions such as lter cycle, heat
request and smart winter mode
purge for 30 minutes to per-
form quick spa maintenance.
When the Off mode is active,
the display will toggle between
Pump 2 key
Press Pump 2 key to turn
Pump 2 on at low speed.
Press a second time to turn
pump to high speed (with a
dual-speed pump*). A third
time turns pump off. A built-in
timer automatically turns
pump off after 20 minutes,
unless pump has been
manually deactivated rst.
ThePump 2” indicator
lights up when Pump 2
is on. With dual-speed
pump, indicator will
ash when pump 2 is on
at low speed.
Light key
Press Light key to turn light
on. A second press turns
light off. A built-in timer
automatically turns light off
after 2 hours, unless it has
been manually deactivated
TheLight” indicator
lights up when light
is on.
k-8-in keypads for in.xe spa systems
Up/Down keys
Use Up or Down key to set
desired water temperature.
The temperature setting will
be displayed for 2 seconds to
confi rm your new selection.
The "Set Point"
icon indicates that
the display shows
the desired tempera-
ture, NOT the current
water temperature!
Program/Filter menu
A quick press of the Filter key
will allow you to display the
clock. A long press of 5 se-
conds will allow you to enter
the program menu. In the
program menu, the following
parameters can be set: the
clock, the lter cycles or the
purge cycles, the economy
mode and the temperature
units. While you are in the
program menu, use the up
or down keys to adjust the
parameters and use the
Setting the clock
Enter the program menu by
holding down the Filter key
for 5 seconds. The display will
show the current clock setting,
the minutes will be on solid
and the hours will ash.
Depending on factory settings
your system may be set to a
24-hour military notation or a
regular 12-hour notation.
Programming the lter/
purge cycles
Depending on system
confi guration your spa
will perform either a lter
or a purge cycle. The lter
cycle menu consists of the
following parameters: the
start time (FS), the duration
(Fd) and the frequency
(FF). The purge cycle menu
consists of the following
parameters: the start time (FS)
and the frequency (FF).
Blower key
Press Blower key to turn
Blower on. Press a second
time to turn Blower off.
A built-in timer automatically
turns blower off after 20 mi-
nutes, unless blower has been
manually deactivated rst.
TheBlower” indicator
lights up when blower
is on.
Spa Functions
Programming Steps
* If single speed pump: press Pump key to turn pump on. Press Pump key
again to turn pump off.
* PM indicator
Setting the hour: Use the Up
or Down keys to adjust the
hours (AM/PM). Press the
Filter key to jump to the next
parameter, the minutes.
Setting the minutes: Use the
Up or Down keys to adjust
the minutes. Press the Filter
key to jump to the next
parameter, the lter or purge
start time (FS).
Setting lter cycle
start time
The display will show FSxx,
“xx” representing the starting
hour of the lter cycle. Use
the Up or Down key to adjust
the hours. Use the Filter key
to jump to the next param-
eter, fi lter duration (Fd).
* PM indicator
On/Off Mode: This mode
allows you to stop all outputs
including all automatic func-
tions such as lter cycle, heat
request and smart winter
mode purge for 30 minutes
to perform quick spa mainte-
nance. When active, the
display will toggle between
the “OFF” message, the clock
and the water temperature.
In order to restart the system
before the expiration of the
30 minutes delay, make a
short press on the On/Off
key. The spa light will ash a
few seconds before the end
of the 30 minutes to warn
you the system is about to
resume its normal operation.
When the system resumes its
normal operation the display
shows “Onfor 3 seconds.
Manual Economy Mode:
This mode allows you to save
some energy by regulating
the water temperature 2F
(1C) below the actual set
point. When active, the
display will toggle between
the “Eco” message, the clock
and the water temperature.
Make a short press on the
On/Off key to exit the
manual economy mode.
When the system exits the
economy mode the display
shows “noE” for 3 seconds.
A lter cycle consists of
starting all the pumps and
blower in high speed for 1 mi-
nute (purge step) then, the
pump associated with the
lter will run in low speed for
the remaining duration of the
lter cycle (clean step).
A purge cycle is used when
the spa is equipped with a 24
hour circulation pump which
provides a continuous clean
step. It consists of starting all
the pumps and blower in
high speed for 1 minute.
Filter key jump to the next
parameter. The changes will
be saved after the confi rma-
tion of the last parameter
only. If there is no key press
for 10 seconds, the system
will exit the program menu
without saving the changes.

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