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See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the
product box for product warnings and other important
Device Overview
The vívohub device is an ANT
to WiFi
wireless bridge created
to support Garmin
wellness products. Using ANT wireless
protocol, the vívohub device automatically detects and connects
to compatible activity trackers. User data uploads to Garmin
Connected Services over a wireless connection automatically.
User data is available for review on Garmin Connect
or through
your wellness partner (if applicable). The vívohub device is
installed as a wireless client on an existing wireless network.
Green LED
Micro-USB port
Status LEDs
LED State Description
Double blink (normal
operating mode)
The device has power.
Off The device does not have power.
Off (normal
operating mode)
The device has joined an existing
wireless network and is ready to sync with
compatible activity trackers.
Solid The device is initializing.
Fast blink The device is searching for a network
vívohub Specifications
Network connectivity WiFi wireless technology only (no models with
USB connector type USB 2.0 Micro-B
Power type 4.7 to 6.4 V USB (500 mA max. current)
Ethernet to USB converter when using
switchport Power over Ethernet (POE) (if
WiFi radio protocol IEEE 802.11 b/g/n compatible
11 Mbps maximum data rate
WiFi RF output
9 dBm internal power amplifier
ANT radio frequency
2.4 GHz ISM (from 2.40000 to 2.4835 GHz)
ANT wireless communications protocol
Maximum ANT radio
data rate
20 Kbps
Operating temperature
From -10° to 50°C (from 14° to 122°F) (indoor
use only)
Dimensions W × H × D: 6.7 x 4.0 x 1.5 mm (2.7 x 1.6 x
0.7 in.)
Security WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES)
Installing and Maintaining the Device
How is the device monitored?
Monitor the device using Garmin Connected Services.
NOTE: Monitoring via SNMP is not supported.
Visually inspect the status LEDs to determine the power and
connection status of the device (Status LEDs).
How is the device configured?
The vívohub configuration utility sets up connectivity to Garmin
Connected Services and configures the device to join a wireless
Download and install the vívohub configuration utility on your
computer (Configuring Network Settings).
NOTE: The configuration utility is supported only on
operating systems.
Connect the device to the computer using the micro-USB
Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the device.
How is the device updated?
The Garmin vívohub firmware loader is used to update the
device when a firmware update is available (Updating Firmware
and Verifying Firmware Version).
How does the device communicate and what can be
done to ensure connectivity?
The device sends data to Garmin Connected Services using
HTTPS over port 443. Garmin Connected Services does not
initiate communication to vívohub devices. The device also
synchronizes time to your selected network time server using
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) over UDP (User
Datagram Protocol) on port 123. An SNTP time server
hostname or IP address must be provided during configuration
in order for the device to operate. For more information, see
Network Settings.
Allow the vívohub device to access the Internet.
If necessary, make a firewall, captive portal, or Internet proxy
exception to allow the device to communicate with Garmin
Connected Services and your selected time server.
You must make exempt gcsgateway.garmin.com:443 (TCP,
Transmission Control Protocol) to enable communications
with Garmin Connected Services. If an external SNTP time
server is used, you must make an exception to access the
selected time server using UDP on port 123.
Where should the device be installed?
The device placement depends on the number of devices being
used, the size of your facility, the employee movement and
location patterns, and the frequency of data collection. For more
information, see Installation Considerations.
Install the devices in common areas.
TIP: In some facilities, you can install a device in a single
common corridor. In other facilities, you should install multiple
devices to accommodate employee needs.
Install each device on a wall or ceiling.
February 2015
Printed in Taiwan 190-01735-02_0D

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Vivohub

Garmin Vivohub Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Garmin Vivohub Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Garmin Vivohub Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

Garmin Vivohub Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 6 pagina's

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