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Congratulations on choosing one of the most advanced marine navigation systems available! The
Garmin GPSMAP 172/172C models utilize the proven performance of Garmin GPS and full-featured map
ping to create an unsurpassed marine navigation chartplotter.
This manual covers instructions for the GPSMAP 172 and GPSMAP 172C (color). Unit operation
and specifications will be the same on both models unless otheriwse specified. For GSD 20 sonar related
operations, refer to “GSD 20 Sounder Module with Garmin Chartplotters” (190-00241-03). To get the
most out of your new navigation system, take the time to go through this owner’s manual and learn the
operating procedures for your unit. This manual is broken down into two parts for your convenience.
Part One introduces you to the GPSMAP 172/172C and provides a Getting Started tour so that you
may become more familiar with the unit. This section provides you with a basic knowledge necessary to
use the unit.
Part Two is divided into sections that provide detailed references to the advanced features and opera
tions of the GPSMAP 172/172C. This allows you to concentrate on a specific topic quickly and look up
detailed information about the GPSMAP 172/172C.
Customer Service Product Registration
Help us better support you by completing our
on-line registration today!
Have the serial number of your GPSMAP 172/172C
handy and connect to our web site (www.garmin.com).
Look for the Product Registration link on the Home
page. Also, be sure to record your serial number in the
area provided on page iv of this manual.
NOTE: If you have previously registered a Garmin
product purchase, we invite you to re-register using
our NEW on-line system. Many services provided by
our new product registration system are now being
automated and re-registering your purchase ensures
you the best possible support from Garmin.
Software License Agreement
Garmin grants you a limited license to use the software embedded in this device (the “Software”) in
binary executable form in the normal operation of the product. Title, ownership rights and intellectual
property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin.
You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and is protected under the United
States of America copyright laws and international copyright treaties. You further acknowledge that the
structure, organization and code of the Software are valuable trade secrets of Garmin and that the Software
in source code form remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin. You agree not to decompile, disassemble,
modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer or reduce to human readable form the Software or any part
thereof or create any derivative works based on the Software. You agree not to export or re-export the
Software to any country in violation of the export control laws of the United States of America.
Software License Agreement

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