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2Select Settings > Apps.
3Select an activity.
NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
4Select Metronome > Status > On.
5Select an option:
Select Beats / Minute to enter a value based on the
cadence you want to maintain.
Select Alert Frequency to customize the frequency of the
Select Sounds to customize the metronome tone and
6If necessary, select Preview to listen to the metronome
feature before you run.
7Hold DOWN to return to the clock.
8Go for a run (Going for a Run).
The metronome starts automatically.
9During your run, select UP or DOWN to view the metronome
10If necessary, hold UP to change the metronome settings.
Going for a Ride
Before you go for a ride, you should charge the device
(Charging the Device). Before you can use an ANT+ sensor for
your ride, you must pair the sensor with your device (Pairing
ANT+ Sensors).
1Pair your ANT+ sensors, such as a heart rate monitor, speed
sensor, or cadence sensor (optional).
2From the clock, select START.
3Select Bike.
4When using optional ANT+ sensors, wait while the device
connects to the sensors.
5Go outside, and wait while the device locates satellites.
6Select START to start the timer.
History is recorded only while the timer is running.
7Start your activity.
8Select UP or DOWN to view additional data pages (optional).
9After you complete your activity, select STOP > Save.
The device is intended for surface swimming. Scuba diving with
the device may damage the product and will void the warranty.
NOTE: The device cannot record heart rate data while
Going for a Pool Swim
Before you go for a swim, you should charge the device
(Charging the Device).
1From the clock, select START.
2Select Pool Swim.
3Select your pool size, or enter a custom size.
4Select START to start the timer.
History is recorded only while the timer is running.
5Start your activity.
The device automatically records swim intervals and lengths.
6Select UP or DOWN to view additional data pages (optional).
7When resting, select LAP to pause the timer.
8Select LAP to restart the timer.
9After you complete your activity, select STOP > Save.
Swim Terminology
Length: One trip down the pool.
Interval: One or more consecutive lengths. A new interval starts
after a rest.
Stroke: A stroke is counted every time your arm wearing the
device completes a full cycle.
Swolf: Your swolf score is the sum of the time for one pool
length and the number of strokes for that length. For
example, 30 seconds plus 15 strokes equals a swolf score of
45. For open water swimming, swolf is calculated over 25
meters. Swolf is a measurement of swimming efficiency and,
like golf, a lower score is better.
Stroke Types
Stroke type identification is available only for pool swimming.
Your stroke type is identified at the end of a length. Stroke types
appear when you are viewing interval history. You can also
select stroke type as a custom data field (Customizing the Data
Free Freestyle
Back Backstroke
Breast Breaststroke
Fly Butterfly
Mixed More than one stroke type in an interval
Drill Used with drill logging (Training with the Drill Log)
Resting During Pool Swimming
The default rest screen displays two rest timers. It also displays
time and distance for the last completed interval.
NOTE: Swim data is not recorded during a rest.
1During your swim activity, select LAP to start a rest.
The display reverses to white text on a black background,
and the rest screen appears.
2During a rest, select UP or DOWN to view other data screens
3Select LAP, and continue swimming.
4Repeat for additional rest intervals.
Training with the Drill Log
The drill log feature is available only for pool swimming. You can
use the drill log feature to manually record kick sets, one-arm
swimming, or any type of swimming that is not one of the four
major strokes. The drill time is recorded, and you must enter the
TIP: You can customize the data screens and data fields for
your pool swim activity (Customizing the Data Screens).
1From the clock, select START.
2Select Pool Swim.
3During your pool swim activity, select UP or DOWN to view
the drill log screen.
4Select LAP to start the drill timer.
5After completing a drill interval, select LAP.
The drill timer stops, but the activity timer continues to record
the entire swim session.
6Select a distance for the completed drill.
Distance increments are based on the pool size selected for
the activity profile.
7Select an option:
To start another drill interval, select LAP.
To start a swim interval, select UP or DOWN to return to
the swim training screens.
8After you complete your activity, select STOP > Save.
Activities 3

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Fenix 3 - 2015

Garmin Fenix 3 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 30 pagina's

Garmin Fenix 3 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 30 pagina's

Garmin Fenix 3 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 30 pagina's

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