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26cc 2 Stroke Line Trimmer
e-mail: help@powertoolsupport.com 1800 909 909
MODEL: №. 50750 • 11/2015 • WLBC260X-2WNO (toll free)
(toll free)
26cc 2 Stroke Line Trimmer
e-mail: help@powertoolsupport.com1800 909 909
MODEL: №. 50750 11/2015 WLBC260X-2WNO
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Power loss or
sudden stopping
of the engine
Fuel Tank (6) is empty
The mixture does not reach the
There is water in the mixture.
The air filter (3) is dirty.
There are carbon deposits in the cylinder
exhaust pipe or the muffler.
Flooded engine.
Check whether the fuel tank (6) is empty
and refuel if required.
NOTE: If the trimmer is being used a lot on
its side, the tank may require a minimum of
1/4 tank of fuel.
Clean the fuel filter in the fuel tank (6).
Drain and rinse the fuel system.
Refill the fuel tank (6) with new
uncontaminated fuel/oil mix.
Clean the air filter (3).
Clean or change the muffler.
Take the product to a Service Agent.
Move the choke to the run or Hot start
position and restart the unit.
Bad quality cut from
the line trimmer
Overloaded cutting due to too high
grass or too thick for engine power.
Wrapped vegetal material on the
Line will not advance.
Line welded to itself.
Not enough line on the spool.
Line worn too short.
Line tangled on spool.
Cut tall grass from the top down.
Clean the material from the spool and line.
Manually advance the lines.
Open the spool and line assembly (21) and
ensure the lines have not crossed or tangled.
NOTE: Always ensure the engine is turned
off before undertaking this task.
Lubricate with silicone spray.
Manually advance the lines.
NOTE: Always ensure the engine is turned
off before undertaking this task.
Install more line, or replace with new spool
and line.
NOTE: Always ensure the engine is turned
off before undertaking
this task.
Pull lines while alternately pressing down
on and releasing bump knob (20).
Remove line from the spool and rewind.
Engine does not
reach full speed
Check the fuel/oil.
Check spark plug (1).
Use fresh fuel. Do not use ethanol based fuel.
Use good quality 2 stroke oil.
Clean or replace if dirty or worn.
Spool operating when
the engine is at idle
Turn off engine and take to an authorised Service
Spool will not engage
Increase speed of motor.
For other issues not covered in this chart, please call Customer Service on 1800 909 909.

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