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2. Safety Instructions
DANGER! Electric shock!
Risk of injury due to electric shock.
v Always unplug your Garden Pump before
filling, after operation, when trouble-shooting
and before carrying out any maintenance
Hot water – risk of scalding!
If the pump is operated for prolonged periods
of time (> 5 min.) with the delivery side closed,
the water in the pump may heat up so that
there is a risk of scalding yourself with hot
v The pump should not run against
the closed delivery side for more than
5 minutes.
If the water supply on the intake side of the
pump fails, the water in the pump can heat up
so that if water emerges, injuries could be
caused by the hot water.
v Disconnect the pump from the mains via
the main circuit breaker, let the water cool
and secure the suction-side water supply
before putting into operation again.
Caution: Pursuant to DIN VDE 0100-702 and
0100-738 use of the pump nearby swimming pools
and garden ponds and other similar places is only
permissible if the pump is operated via a residual-
current device (FI switch) with a residual current
rating of ≤ 30 mA.
The pump must not be operated when there are
persons in the swimming pool or garden pond.
The pump must be located on solid, even ground,
protected from flooding.
Take care that the pump cannot fall into water.
Position the pump at a safe distance (min. 2 m)
from the liquid to be pumped.
As an additional safety device an authorised safety
switch can be used.
v Please ask your electrician for his advice.
When connecting the pump to the water
supply system, the country-specific sanitary
regulations must be observed to prevent
water not of drink ing water quality being drawn
back in.
v Please consult a specialist for sanitary
Extension cables
Date indicated on the type plate must match
technical data of the mains supply.
Pursuant to DIN VDE 0620, power cable as well
as extension cables must not have a smaller
diameter than rubber sheathed cables described
with letter symbols H05 RNF.
v Don’t use the power cable for carrying the
pump or for plugging off.
In Austria
In Austria, the electrical connections must be
made according to ÖVE-EM 42, T2 (2000) /
1979 §22 based on § 2022. Pursuant to this
regulation it’s imperative to operate pumps for
swimming pools and garden ponds exclusively
via an isolating transformer.
v Please ask your electrician.
In Switzerland
In Switzerland mobile appliances which are
used outdoors, must be connected via a residual-
current device.
Visual check
v Before operating the pump, first make a visual
cheek, if there is any damage of the pump
(esp. regarding power cable and plug).
A damaged pump must not be used.
v In case of damage, please have the pump
checked by our GARDENA Service Centre or
by an authorised electrician.
v A damaged connection cable may only
be exchanged by GARDENA Service or an
authorised electrician.
v Protect the pump from rain. Don’t use the
pump in wet or moist area.
In order to avoid dry-running of the pump, take
care that the end of the suction hose is always
submerged into the liquid.
v Before each operation, fill the pump to over-
flowing with approx. 2 to 3 l of the liquid to be
Sand and other abrasive substances in the liquid
cause in-creased wear and reduce the pump’s
v Use a pump preliminary filter for pumping
sandy liquids.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Gardena 3500-4 - 1709

Gardena 3500-4 - 1709 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Gardena 3500-4 - 1709 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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