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Problem Possible cause Solution
The milk does not froth. You used a type of milk that
is unsuitable for frothing
(powdered milk or low-fat
Only use cold whole milk for frothing.
It is not possible to
prepare a cappuccino.
The classic milk frother is not
Clean the classic milk frother.
There is no steam left in the
Prime the circuit.
No coee or only drops
of coee come out of the
The hot water/steam knob is
in the 'open' setting (turned
Turn the hot water/steam knob to the
'closed' setting (turned clockwise).
Scale has built up inside the
Descale the machine
The ground coee lter or
coee pod lter in the lter
holder is clogged.
Clean the ground coee lter or coee
pod lter.
You used an unsuitable
coee pod.
Use a coee pod suitable for this
The ground coee you use is
ground too nely.
Use ground coee with a coarser grind.
The ground coee was
pressed into the ground
coee lter
Make sure you do not press the ground
coee into the ground coee lter.
There is too much ground
coee in the ground coee
Reduce the quantity of ground coee in
the ground coee lter.
Coee ows out along the
edges of the lter holder.
You have not attached the
lter holder to the brew unit
Attach the lter holder correctly.
The upper edge of the lter
holder is not clean.
Clean the upper edge of the lter holder.
The coee pod is not
inserted correctly.
Insert the coee pod correctly. Make
sure its edges do not stick out beyond
the edge of the lter holder.
There is too much ground
coee in the ground coee
Reduce the amount of ground coee
in the ground coee lter with the
measuring scoop.
The machine switches
o while brewing coee
or dispensing hot water
(RI8437, RI8435, RI8433).
The energy saving modus
is on
Set the main switch to 'I' to switch the
machine back on.
Gaggia Viva WEU_export_30029_72.indd 16 21/12/2018 10:55:48

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