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5.3.4 Brewing temperature adjustment
Refer to the “8.2 Changing the default settings” chapter to change the coffee
temperature default.
5.3.5 Coffee dispensing spout adjustment
The height of the coffee dispensing spout can be adjusted to adapt to the size of the
cup one wishes to use.
5.4 Deactivation and reactivation
After 15 minutes in idle mode, the machine goes automatically in stand-by mode. The
start time of the stand-by mode can be changed. To know how, read the “8. Default
settings” chapter.
The machine might launch an automatic rinse/self-cleaning cycle, as described in the
“5.2.2 Automatic rinse/self-cleaning cycle” chapter.
> To turn the machine off completely, the main switch at the back of the machine must
be in the OFF position.
> The main switch at the back of the machine must be in the ON position.
To restart the machine, press the STAND-BY button.
The machine might request a “5.2.1 Water circuit priming”, or simply go through an
automatic rinse/self-cleaning cycle as described in the “5.2.2 Automatic rinse/self-
cleaning cycle” chapter.
6. Use
Make sure to read the “3. Safety” chapter.
In order to preserve product quality, every time the machine is turned on, the “5.2.2
Automatic rinse/self-cleaning cycle” will be launched. When the machine is started after
remaining unused for a long period of time, we recommend running a “5.2.3 Manual
rinse cycle”.
6.1 Coffee-based preparations
The quantity of brewed product in the cup is set by default. To change this value refer
to the “6.1.4 Adjustment of coffee length in the cup during preparation” chapter.
The machine can brew one or two coffee-based drinks.
6.1.1 Use of pre-ground coffee (one specialty only)
It is possible to select the function that uses pre-ground coffee. It brews only one
Placing anything other than pre-ground coffee may seriously damage the machine.
These damages are NOT covered by the warranty.
Use only the measuring scoop supplied with the machine. If the dose is more than
one, or excessive, the machine does not brew the product and the coffee will be
discharged in the coffee grounds drawer.
Lift the compartment lid and add one measuring scoop of pre-ground coffee. If no
dose is added, the machine will dispense water only.
Close the pre-ground coffee compartment lid.

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