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ã=Safety information
Please read these instruction carefully. Keep the
instructions in a safe place for reference or for the
subsequent owner.
General notes
Check the appliance after unpacking it. Do not
connect the appliance if it has been damaged during
This appliance is intended for use in the private
household and the home environment only. Use the
appliance only for preparing food, not for heating
Adults and children must not operate the appliance
without supervision, if they are physically or mentally
incapable of doing so, or if they lack the knowledge
and experience required to operate the appliance
correctly and safely. Do not let children play with the
appliance or the packaging material.
This appliance is not intended for operation with an
external timer or an external remote control.
The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for
damage which arises as a result of disregarding the
instruction manual.
Safety during operation
Risk of burns! The appliance becomes hot during
operation. Keep children away from the appliance.
Risk of fire! Overheated food can cause fires. Only
operate the appliance when its use can be supervised.
Risk of fire! Gas burners operated without cookware
in position produce a great amount of heat. The
appliance or an extractor hood fitted above it may be
damaged or set on fire. Only operate gas burners with
cookware in position.
Risk of burns! Empty cookware becomes extremely
hot if placed on gas burners when they are in
operation. If touched, hot cookware could cause
burns. Under no circumstances heat empty cookware.
Risk of fire! Overheated fat or oil is highly
inflammable. Only prepare food cooked in fat or oil
when cooking can be fully supervised. Under no
circumstances attempt to extinguish burning fat or oil
with water. Choke the fire using a lid or fire blanket.
Risk of fire! Flammable materials may catch fire from
an open gas flame or from heat. Do not store or use
flammable materials (e.g. spray cans, cleaning agents)
underneath or in the immediate vicinity of the hob.
Under no circumstances place flammable objects on
the hob.
Risk of injury! Unsuitable pan sizes, damaged or
incorrectly positioned pans can cause serious injury.
Observe the instructions which accompany the
Risk of short circuit! The cable insulation of
electrical appliances can melt. Under no cirumstances
place the mains cable on the burners when they are
still hot.
Heat damage to adjacent appliances or kitchen
Heat and moisture are produced if the appliance
is operated over a prolonged period. Additional
ventilation is required. Open windows and switch on
an extraction hood which conducts into the open air.
Appliance damage caused by heat
Do not heat roasting dishes, pans or
grill stones on more than one burner at the same time.
Malfunction: Always turn control knobs to the
off position when the appliance is not in operation.
Safety during cleaning
Risk of burns! The appliance becomes hot during
operation. Allow the appliance to cool down before
Risk of electric shock! Do not use high pressure
washers or steam cleaners to clean the appliance.
Damage to the appliance: Do not pull off the
control knobs to clean them.
Safety during maintenance and
Risk of injury! In the event of a malfunction or if the
appliance is damaged, unscrew the fuses (or switch
off the circuit breakers). Shut off the gas supply.
Contact the after-sales service.
Risk of injury! Considerable injuries may be caused
by faulty repairs. Repairs to the appliance must only
be carried out by a trained technician. If a repair is
required, please call the after-sales service.
Risk of injury! A damaged electricity cable or gas
hose must be replaced as soon as possible by the
manufacturer, sales subsidiary, after-sales service or a
trained technician.
For conversion to another type of gas, please call the
after-sales service.

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