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Puls oximeter
The Fysic FPO-10 is a pulse Oximeter which
measures the percentage of the amount of oxy-
gen found in the blood.
Intended use:
The Fysic FPO-10 is a home device intended
for measuring the levels of oxygen in your blood
and your heart rate. The FPO-10 is NOT meant
for medical purposes or continuous treatment.
For questions in the medical eld, always consult
your doctor.
Measuring principle:
By shining an infra-red light through the skin, the
reected light will be compared with the emitted
light which will in turn analyze the color of the red
blood cells. This colour measured will reect the
amount of oxygen in the blood.
Do not use:
Do not use the FPO-10 with an irregular heart
beat (Atrial Fibrillation).
The FPO-10 comes with two included batteries, a
wrist strap and a protective case.
Install batteries:
1. Slide the battery cover off of
the FPO-10
2. Insert the two supplied bat-
teries, be sure to take note
of the positive and negative
poles (+ and -)
3. Place the battery cover back onto the FPO-10
Fastening the wristband:
1. ush the thin cord through the hole on the FPO-
10 and then make a loop from the cord.
2. Put the thick part of the strap through the loop.
3. Pull the thick part of the cord all the way
through the loop tugging slightly to tighten it.
Preparations & tips:
Make sure that you are familiar with the ope-
ration of the pulse Oximeter.
Remove articial nails and/or nail polish.
Avoid bright lights.
Sit quietly before and during the taking of the
1. Wash your hands before using.
2. Open the clip and place
your nger on the FPO-
10 with the nail facing
upwards, as shown on the adjacent picture;
use your middle nger preferably pushing it
gently towards the back of the Oximeter.
3. Turn on the FPO-10 by pressing the
on/off button.
4. If necessary, the reading direction of
the display can be changed by pres-
sing the on/off button repeatedly.
5. Do not move your nger during the
6. Readings in the display:
- The “% SpO2” shows the percentage of
oxygen in the blood.
- The “bpmPR” gives the pulse rate of the
pulse per minute.
- The pulsating bar graph shows the
strength of the heartbeat.
- The heart rate can be seen at the bottom
of the display.
7. The FPO-10 will turn off 15 seconds after the
clip has been taken off the nger.
Setting an alarm:
You can set alarm tones to give alert signals when
the level of the oxygen in your blood, or the pulse
rate exceeds the adjustable upper or lower values.
1. Turn on the FPO-10 by quickly pressing the
on/off button.
2. Hold down the on/off button for more than one
second to open the settings menu.
3. Now release the on/off button. You will see
one of the following statements:
The line with the star at the end is the active
Press quickly on the on/off button to move the
star to the next line.
Press and hold the on/off button to change
the setting of the current line.
Sounds Setup
SPO2 Alm Hi * 100
SPO2 Alm Lo 94
PR Alm Hi 130
PR Alm Lo 50
+/- +
Alm Setup
Alm on
Beep * off
Restore Ok

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fysic FPO 10

Fysic FPO 10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Fysic FPO 10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Fysic FPO 10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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