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First time use:
1. use the slider to open the FC-55
2. remove the battery compartment cover
3. activate the button cell by pulling out the insu-
lating strip from the FC-55
4. install a 1.5V alkaline battery, paying attention
to the polarity (+ and -)
Replacing the button cell:
1. slide the white tab to the right until it releases
from the left
2. remove this tab
and replace the
button cell (the
+ upward)
3. replace the tab
to the right in
the opening,
push it down
and slide it to
the left until it secures the battery again
4. now press 1x the RESET button and set the
clock and alarm times again
Don’t discard exhausted batteries as normal
domestic waste, but bring them to a collec-
tion point for small chemical waste.
1. unlock the buttons by sliding the switch to
the left
2. press and hold the button for 2 seconds until
the hour display starts ashing
3. rotate the white knurled ring to set the hours
4. briey press the button; the minute display
starts ashing
5. rotate the white knurled ring to set the minutes
6. briey press the button to save the time
alarm times:
1. unlock the buttons by sliding the switch to
the left
2. press and hold the button for 2 seconds
until alarm time
starts ashing
3. rotate the white knurled ring to set the alarm
time for the rst medication of the day; the
alarm time is set in increments of half an hour
4. briey press the button; alarm time
starts ashing
5. repeat instructions 3 and 4 for alarm times
6. briey press the button to save the alarm
*: If less than 5 alarm times are required, continue
rotating the ring until -:-- appears in the display; this
alarm time is now disabled
to change the alarm times:
1. unlock the buttons by sliding the switch to
the left
2. press and hold the button for 2 seconds
until alarm time
starts ashing
3. repeatedly press the button until the alarm
time you’d like to change starts ashing
4. rotate the white knurled ring to set the new
alarm time (*)
5. repeatedly press the button to save the new
alarm time(s)
*: If you want to delete an alarm time completely,
continue rotating the ring until the display shows
-:--; this alarm time is now disabled
Electronic pill box with alarm..
The Fysic FC-55 pill box allows you to store med-
icine for 5 daily moments. You can program up to
5 times at which the alarm must sound while the
display indicates which medicine must be taken.
This schedule is repeated daily until you program
different times.
The FC-55 pill compartments are only suitable for
dry medicine (pills, capsules, etc.), not for liquid or
Power supply:
The FC-55 is powered by 2 batteries: One CR2025
lithium button cell for the clock and timer function.
This battery is already installed by the factory, but
can only be used after removing the insulating
The other is a 1.5V battery (size AAA) for the
sound and vibration alarm and for the display
lighting. This battery is not included. Please use an
alkaline battery for this, not a rechargeable one.
1 2 3

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fysic FC-55

Fysic FC-55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Fysic FC-55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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