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Original User Manual FUXTEC 20V Cordless Hedge Trimmer FX-E1HS20
- Do not use the hedge trimmer in explosive environments containing flammable liquids, gases or
dust. The hedge trimmer may produce sparks that can ignite the dust or vapours.
- Exercise special care when walking backwards. There is a danger of tripping!
- Move at a walking pace only.
- Never have the device left unattended during breaks in work and keep it in a safe place.
- Keep all body parts away from the cutting blade. Do not try to remove material to be cut or hold on
to material to be cut while the blade is running. Remove trapped material only when the device is
switched off. A moment of carelessness while using the hedge trimmer can cause serious injury.
- Carry the hedge trimmer by the handle with the blade stationary. When transporting or storing the
hedge trimmer, always remove the battery and replace the protective cover. Proper handling of the
device reduces the risk of injury from the blade.
- Hold the power tool only by the insulated handle surfaces, as the cutting blade may come into
contact with hidden power lines. The contact of the cutting blade with a live cable can put metal
parts of the device under voltage and cause an electric shock.
- During the cutting process, make sure that no persons (in particular children) or animals are in the
working area.
- Make sure that the working area is clear of stones and wires before operating the hedge trimmer.
Also take care during the cutting process and make sure that no stones or wires are in the working
area. search the hedge for hidden objects, such as wire fences.
- Only use the device in dry weather conditions. Keep it away from rain or moisture.
- Make sure that the cutting blade does not come into contact with the ground or other objects.
- Wait until the power tool has stopped before putting it down.
- Never have the device left unattended during work stoppages and store it in a safe place.
- Always switch off the hedge trimmer when transporting it to other work locations.
- Never touch the hedge trimmer by the cutting blade.
- Make sure that all guards and handles are in place when using the device. Never attempt to operate
incompletely assembled device or device with unauthorized modifications.
- Operate the device only in the technical condition specified and delivered by the manufacturer.
Unauthorized modifications to the device preclude any liability of the manufacturer for any damage
resulting from such modifications.

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