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Applicable systems: Futaba FASSTest-2.4GHz system-
If R7003SB does not use S.BUS/S.BUS2 system, it can
perform only operation of 3 channels. However, if S.BUS/
S.BUS2 system is used, use of the maximum channel of
a transmitter can be performed. You have to use S.BUS/
S.BUS2 servo, in order to use S.BUS/S.BUS2 system.
FASSTest-2.4GHz Bidirectional Communication System
S.BUS2 / S.BUS Port and Conventional System
Compliance Information Statement
(for U.S.A.)
This device, trade name Futaba Corporation, model number R7003SB, complies with part15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
(3) This module meets the requirements for a mobile device that may be used at separation distances
of more than 20cm from human body.
To meet the RF exposure requirements of the FCC this device shall not be co-located with another
transmitting device.
The responsible party of this device compliance is:
Futaba Service Center
3002 N Apollo Drive Suite 1, Champaign, IL 61822 U.S.A.
TEL (217)398-8970 or E-mail: support@futaba-rc.com (Support)
FASSTest-2.4GHz system/S.BUS2 and S.BUS port and conventional system receiver
• Dual antenna diversity
• Size: 0.89 x 1.47 x 0.37 in. (22.5 x 37.4 x 9.3 mm)
• Weight: 0.25 oz. (7.2g)
• Power requirement: 3.7V to 7.4V(Voltage range: 3.5 to 8.4V)
• Battery F/S Voltage: It sets up with a transmitter
• Extra Voltage port (port2)"EXT-VOL cable and CA-RVIN-700" of an option is used: 0
70V DC
* Be sure that when using ESCs regulated output the capacity of the ESC must meet your usage condition.
Thank you for purchasing a Futaba R7003SB FASSTest-2.4GHz compatible
The R7003SB receiver features bi-directional communication with a
FASSTest Futaba transmitter using the S.BUS2 port. Using the S.BUS2 port
an impressive array of telemetry sensors may be utilized. R7003SB has a
optional telemetry sensors. It also includes both standard PWM output ports and
S.BUS output ports. 4 ports of R7003SB can choose an output channel from the
11 modes.
LED Indication
Green Red Status
Off Solid No signal reception
Solid Off Receiving signals
Alternate blink Unrecoverable error (EEPROM, etc.)
FAS STest is a bidirectional communication system between the R7003SB receiver and
FASSTest capable transmitters. Multiple optional telemetry sensors may be connected to
the S.BUS2 on the receiver and that data is in turn displayed on the transmitter.
*Please see your transmitters operation manual to configure transmitter to operate with
telemetry sensors.
(Antenna installation)
Please refer the table below for LED status vs
receiver's condition.
Usage precaution
Analog servos cannot be used with the R7003SB in the FASSTest 12CH mode.
The R7003SB receiver can only be used with FASSTest capable transmitters.
Changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The R7003SB receiver should be protected from vibration by foam rubber,
Velcro or similar mounting methods. Protect from moisture.
Keep away from conductive materials to avoid short circuits.
Don't connect the servo or gyro which do not correspond to S.BUS2 port
When the servo and gyro which do not correspond to S.BUS2 are connected to S.BUS2
port, there is a danger of falling by malfunction.
Turn on the power in transmitter
receiver order. In addition, always check
the operation of all the servos before flight.
Do not insert or remove the servo connector while the receiver power is
•Since the S.BUS servo switches the operation mode automatically according to the
type of signal (S.BUS signal/PWM signal) from the receiver, if the connector is inserted
or removed while the power is ON, an S.BUS connected servo will be erroneously
recognized and may stop.
Antenna installation precaution
Do not cut or bundle the receiver antenna wire.
Do not bend the coaxial cable. It causes damage.
The antennas must be mounted in such a way to assure they are strain
Keep the antenna as far away from the motor, ESC and other noise sources
as you possibly can.
Be sure that the two antennas are placed at 90 degrees to each other.
The R7003SB has two antennas. In order to maximize signal reception and
promote safe modeling Futaba has adopted a diversity antenna system. This allows the
receiver to obtain RF signals on both antennas and fly problem-free.
Antenna installation for carbon fuselage
You must leave 30mm at the tip of the antenna fully exposed. The exposed
antenna should be secured so that it cannot move around or back inside of
your aircraft.
(Typical installation)
Port1 Port2 3/B S.BUS2

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