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Features of GY440
Set Contents
Connecting the GY440
Connecting the GY440 (S.BUS)
Mounting to Fuselage
Rudder Servo Linkage Check
The following items are supplied with the GY440:
Mini screwdriver
Sensor tape
Extension Cord: (Black)
Extension Cord: (Red)
Wiring strap
Monitor LED display
State Color Move Reference
1. No servo pulse /
sensor error
Red Slow blink
2. Warm-up Green Fast blink
3. Sensor initialization Red/Green ON
AVCS (Red)
Normal (Green)
4. Turn Red/Green Fast blink
Right (Green)
Left (Red)
5. Neutral offset Orange Slow blink Stick operation
6. Gain off
7. Switch operation Green One blink
Each time of switch
8. Low battery Red One flash Less than 3.8V
● Remote gain function and mode switching function
You can adjust gain from the transmitter by using the remote gain
function. Gain can also be adjusted with the trimmer on the GY440.
The mode switching function allows AVCS/NORMAL gyro mode
● Integrated, compact,and light weight
Compact size
and light weight
realized by high density mounting technology.
● Easy setup
The GY440 can be used immediately with minimum setup.
● Supporting the S.BUS/S.BUS2 connection
Only one wire connection to the receiver can operate the GY440.
Rate Gyro for Helicopters
For RC models
Limit / Gain
Servo Selection Switch
Rudder input/S.BUS input
Gain input
Rudder output
Gyro Direction
Failure to follow these safety precautions may result in severe injury
to yourself and others.
Always check the transmitter and receiver battery voltage to ensure
they have enough remaining capacity to complete the flight.
The GY440 requires 3-5 seconds to initialize when the power is turned
on. Do not move the helicopter and do not move the rudder stick during
this initialization or the gyro may not initialize properly. Once the initializa-
tion process has been completed the rudder servo will move (a little) sev-
eral times indicating that the GY440 is now ready for flight.
Always ensure that there is some slack in the gyro cables to help
maximize performance. Always use the supplied gyro mounting pads to
attach the gyro to the helicopter mechanics. Do not use a strap that en-
compasses the GY440 sensor. This may affect the overall performance of
the gyro.
If you are switching between NORMAL mode and AVCS mode in flight,
please keep in mind that you must have the gyro re-learn the center posi-
tion after making a trim change within the transmitter. To memorize the
new center position simply flip the gain switch on the transmitter three
times between NORMAL mode and AVCS mode (NORMAL
AVCS) within one second. The servo will
center indicating that the new center position has been memorized.
Be sure to use a digital servo. Use only digital servos with the GY440.
Using the GY440 with an analog servo will damage the servo.
Always check the direction of operation of the servos. If you attempt to
fly the model when a servo operates in the wrong direction, the fuselage
will spin in a fixed direction and enter an extremely dangerous state.
Do not drop the GY440 onto a hard surface or subject the GY440 to a
strong shock as this may damage the sensor.
When using the GY440 in the AVCS mode, set revolution mixing to
Do not place gyro near heating equipment (engine, motor, ESC, bat-
tery, servo, etc.). Always allow the gyro to adjust to the surrounding envi-
ronmental temperature before flight. A large temperature change during
use will cause drift and other operational issues.
Rudder servo
※Only digital servo
Gyro gain CH(Receiver)←connect→Port2(GY440)
Remote gain effective. Trimmer(GY440) becomes LIMIT.
Gyro gain CH(Receiver)←It does not connect→Port2(GY440)
Remote gain is invalid. Trimmer(GY440) becomes GAIN.
Extension Cord:(Black)
Extension cord:(Red)
Port 3
Port 1
Rudder CH
Gyro gain CH
Port 2
S.BUS Receiver
Rudder --- 4CH
Gyro gain --- 5CH
Port 2 is not connected.
In S.BUS connection, the port 2
is not connected.
Remote gain is still effective.
S.BUS/S.BUS 2 port
Rudder servo
※Only digital servo
Extension cord:(Black)
Port 3
Port 1
Main rotor shaft
Gyro mounted to the helicopter
Sensor tape
Install the sensor so that the bottom of the
gyro is perpendicular to the main rotor shaft
axial direction. Offset of this axis will also re-
act in the roll and pitch directions.
tion which sticks GY440 is free.
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without
prior permission.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior
Futaba is not liable for any potential damage (accidental or oth-
erwise) that may occur after installation.
Before using your new gyro, please read this manual thoroughly
and use the gyro properly and safely. After reading this manual,
store it in a safe place.
Thank you for purchasing a GY440
gyro, a rate gyro for RC helicopters.
GY440 is a lightweight micro gyro
developed for RC helicopter rudder
(yaw axis) control. It can be used with
mininum setup and includes an S.BUS/
S.BUS2 port.
GY440 Ratings:
(Integrated sensor type rate gyro)
Gyro sensor: MEMS vibrating structure gyro
Operating voltage: DC4.0V to 8.4V
Current drain: 30mA (excluding a servo)
Operating temperature range: -10ºC to +45ºC
Dimensions: 20.5 x 20.5 x 11.0mm (except protrusion)
• Weight: 3.7g
Functions: Sensitivity trimmer. LED monitor. Servo
*Oil on the sensor bottom and the part in-
stalled to the frame can be wiped off with
cleaner, etc.
GY440 installation precautions
· Always use the accessory sensor tape to
install the GY440. Install the GY440 the
center of the sensor tape.
· Depending on the vibration from the heli-
copter, the sponge may tear near the cor-
ners of the sensor tape. If the helicopter is
flown in this state, vibrations will not be
sufficiently absorbed and the sensor may
fall off. Before flight, always check the sen-
sor installation state. If the sponge is torn,
replace it.
Make the initial linkage connections in the NORMAL mode.
In this case, make adjustments mechanically and make mini-
mum trimmer adjustments at the transmitter.
In the NORMAL mode, make the following linkage checks:
which the servo horn and control wire are perpendicular.
Control wire
Set the servo horn length based on
the helicopter manufacturer's instruc-
Move the rudder stick to the right and left and check the di-
rection of operation of the tail rotor. If the tail rotor turns in
the wrong direction, reverse the direction with the transmitter
reverse function.

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