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RE-AM45020, RE-AM90010, RE-AM90040
Amplifier Specifications
Installation Guidelines
1. Ensure the +12v lead is disconnected from the battery before you connect any new equipment.
2. Ensure the mounting location will not interfere with the gas tank, brake lines or electrical wiring.
3. Ensure the Amplifier is securely fastened to the vehicle to prevent damage in the event of an accident.
4. Ensure all wiring is protected to avoid pinching or crushing which could result in damage to the audio system.
5. Ensure the mounting location has sufficient air flow around the amplifier. If the amplifier is mounted in an enclosed space a
3” fan with ducting should be used to aid in air flow.
6. Do not mount any amplifier on a subwoofer enclosure as extended exposure to vibration may cause malfunction of the
7. Ensure you use the recommended gauge wire/cable for all amplifier connections.
Ensure the audio system is turned off before making any connections to the amplifier, speakers or source unit.
Failure to do so could result in permanent damage to the audio system. When wiring the FUSION amplifier ensure
that the cable is protected from sharp objects and always use rubber grommets when wiring through metal panels.
Ensure all terminals and connections are protected from the vehicle chassis and from each other as failure to do so
could result in permanent damage to the audio system.
FUSION amplifiers should be connected directly to the +12v battery terminal with an inline fuse or circuit breaker as
close to the battery as possible.
When grounding/earthing your amplifier ensure that the location is a good source of ground (preferably the floor
pan). Make sure the metal is clean of paint etc as a poor earth could damage your audio system.
Remote Turn On
This connection turns the amplifier on and should be connected to the remote turn on wire from the Head Unit. If
one is not available a switched 12v source must be used. Either a power antenna wire or ACC +12v.
Low Level Inputs
Choose the correct length RCA interconnects and run them to the RCA outputs of the source/head unit, avoiding
running beside other looms and or power cable.
Level Control
This control is used to match the input level of the amplifier to the output level of you head unit. We recommend the
following method.
RE-AM45020 RE-AM90010 RE-AM90040
Max Power Rating 450 Watts 900 Watts 900 Watts
Frequency Response 10Hz - 40kHz 10Hz - 250Hz 10Hz - 40kHz
Dimensions (mm) 285(L)x 280(W) x 62(H) 355(L)x 280(W) x 62(H) 405(L)x 280(W) x 62(H)
Power Ratings
90 Watts RMS per Channel
@ 4 Ohms 1% THD+N
130 Watts RMS per Channel
@ 2 Ohms 1% THD+N
250 Watts RMS Bridged Channels
@ 4 Ohms 1% THD+N
240 Watts RMS x 1 Channel
@ 4 Ohms 1% THD+N
350 Watts RMS x 1 Channel
@ 2 Ohms 1% THD+N
90 Watts RMS per Channel
@ 4 Ohms 1% THD+N
125 Watts RMS per Channel
@ 2 Ohms 1% THD+N
230 Watts RMS Bridged Channels
@ 4 Ohms 1% THD+N

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