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Owners Manual
Furman Sound, Inc.
1997 South McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954-6919 USA
Phone: 707-763-1010
Fax: 707-763-1310
Web: www.furmansound.com
E-mail: info@furmansound.com
customer. Otherwise, a one year warranty ap-
plies. Products must have a proof of purchase
from a Furman authorized dealer. During
this period, Furman will make any necessary
repairs without charge for parts or labor. Ship-
ping charges to the factory or repair station
must be prepaid by the owner; return-shipping
charges (via UPS Ground) will be paid by Fur-
This warranty applies only to the original
owner and is not transferable. Also, it does not
apply to repairs done other than by the Fur-
man factory or Authorized Repair Stations.
This warranty may be cancelled by Furman at
its sole discretion if the RS-1 or RS-2 unit has
been subjected to physical abuse or has been
modified in any way without written authoriza-
tion from Furman. Furman’s liability under the
warranty is limited to repair or replacement of
the defective unit.
Furman will not be responsible for incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the use
or misuse of its products. Some states do not
allow the exclusion of incidental or consequen-
tial damages, so the above limitations may not
apply to you. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.
Warranty claims should be accompanied by a
copy of the original purchase invoice showing
the purchase date (if a Warranty Registration
Card was mailed in at the time of purchase,
this is not necessary). Before returning any
equipment for repair, please read the impor-
tant information on service, which follows.
NOTE: In the interest of continuous product
improvement, product specifications and in-
stallation requirements are subject to change
without notice.
Before returning any equipment for repair,
please be sure that it is adequately packed
and cushioned against damage in shipment,
and that it is insured. We suggest that you
save the original packaging and use it to ship
the product for servicing. Also, please enclose
a note giving your name, address, phone num-
ber and a description of the problem.
NOTE: All equipment being returned for re-
pair must have a Return Authorization
(R/A) Number. To get an R/A Number, please
call the Furman Service Department, (707)
763-1010 ext. 120 or 121, between 8 a.m. and
5 p.m., U.S. Pacific Time. Please display your
R/A Number prominently on the front
of all packages.

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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