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A Note about Recycling
This unit’s packaging materials are recyclable
and can be reused. Please dispose of any
materials in accordance with your local
recycling regulations.
This product consists of materials which can be
recycled and reused if disassembled by a
specialised company.
Following information is only for EU-member
The use of the symbol indicates that this product may not
be treated as household waste.
By ensuring this product is disposed of
correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment
and human health, which could otherwise be
caused by inappropriate waste handling of this
For more detailed information about recycling
of this product, please contact your local city
office, your household waste disposal service or the shop
where you purchased the product.
Following information is only valid EU-member
States: Disposal of batteries and/or
The crossed out wheeled dust bin symbol indicates that
batteries and/or accumulators must be collected and
disposed of separately from household waste.
If the battery or accumulator contains more than the
specified values of lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and/or cadmium
(Cd) defined in the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC), then the
chemical symbols for lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and/or
cadmium (Cd) will appear below the crossed out wheeled
dust bin symbol.
By participating in separate collection of
batteries, you will help to assure the proper
disposal of products and batteries and thus
help to prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human
For more detailed information about the
collection and recycling programmes available in your
country, please contact your local city office or the shop
where you purchased the product.
Battery Precautions
Be sure to follow the correct polarity as indicated in the
battery compartment.
Reversed batteries may cause damage to the device.
Do not mix different types of batteries together (e.g.
Alkaline and Carbon-Zinc or rechargeable batteries like ni-
cad, ni-mh, etc.) or old batteries with fresh ones.
If the device is not to be used for a long period of time,
remove the batteries to prevent damage or injury from
possible battery leakage.
Do not try to recharge batteries; they can overheat and
Pb, Hg, Cd
PRECAUTIONS ................................................................ 2
INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 3
Supplied Accessories ........................................................................ 4
Symbols Used in this Manual ....................................................... 4
Attaching the Base ............................................................................. 4
Installing the Batteries ....................................................................... 4
Remote Control .................................................................................. 4
Your TV .................................................................................................... 5
PREPARATION FOR USE ............................................. 6
Antenna Connection ........................................................................ 6
External Connection ......................................................................... 6
Plug In the AC Power Cord ......................................................... 7
Initial Setup ............................................................................................. 7
OPERATIONS .................................................................. 8
Watching a TV Programme .......................................................... 8
Channel List ............................................................................................ 8
Sleep Timer ............................................................................................ 8
ECO Mode ............................................................................................. 8
Sound Select .......................................................................................... 8
TV Screen Information .................................................................... 9
EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) ....................................... 9
Switching the Input Mode .............................................................. 9
Photo / Music Playback ................................................................. 10
Changing the TV Screen Display Mode .............................. 13
OTHER SETTINGS ....................................................... 14
Picture Adjustment ......................................................................... 14
Advanced Picture Adjustment .................................................. 14
PC Settings ........................................................................................... 15
Sound Adjustment ........................................................................... 15
TV Settings ........................................................................................... 16
Channel Settings ............................................................................... 16
Setup Adjustment ............................................................................ 18
Subtitle Settings ................................................................................. 18
Teletext ................................................................................................. 19
Common Interface (CI) ................................................................ 19
Software Download ....................................................................... 19
Demo ...................................................................................................... 20
Reset Default ...................................................................................... 20
Parental Lock ...................................................................................... 20
fun-Link .................................................................................................. 21
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ................................. 22
OTHER INFORMATIONS .......................................... 23
Specifications ....................................................................................... 23
Trademark Information ................................................................. 23
Declaration of Conformity ......................................................... 24
Servicing ................................................................................................. 24
Cabinet Cleaning .............................................................................. 24
Panel Cleaning .................................................................................... 24
License .................................................................................................... 24
License Statement .............................................. end of book

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Andere handleiding(en) van Funai LED24H9223M

Funai LED24H9223M Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

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