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Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essential safety information which must be followed
when working with your notebook. Other notes also provide useful information
which will help you with your notebook.
Safety information
Please note the information provided in the "Safety" manual and
in the following safety notes.
Observe the sections in the man ual marked with the symbo l on the left.
When connecting and d isconnecting cables, observe the relevant
notes in this operating m anual.
Read the information on the a mbient conditions in the technical data given in the
"First-time setup" manual and the chapter "
Preparing your notebo ok for use", Page 7
before preparing your notebook for use and switching it on for the rst time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the
section "
Clean ing the notebook", Page 6.
Pay atten tion to the additional safety notes for devices with radio
components provided in the "Safety" manual.
Please refer to the notes in the chapter "
Removing and installing
components during servicing", Page 42.
This notebook complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing
equipment. If you have questions about using your notebook in a particular area,
please conta ct your sa les outlet or our Hotline/Help Desk.
Energy saving
Switch the notebook off when it is not in use. Switch off external, connected devices if you
are not using them. If you use the energy saving functions, the notebook uses less energy.
You will then be able to work for longer before having to recharge the battery.
Energy efciency is increased and the enviro nmental impact is reduced.
You s ave money while protecting the environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make use of the powe r management features (see ""Using the power-management features",
Page 26").
AMILO Mini O perating Manual, edition 2 3

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