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Working with the notebook
Switch the notebook off:
To connect external devices
To disconnect external devices from the notebook
To change the m emory expansion
If you do not intend to use your notebook for a long period of time:
Exit power saving mode if necessary via the mouse or keyboard or by switching on the
Close all opene d programs and swi
tch the notebook off.
Hard disk
The hard disk is the most important storage medium of your notebook. You can work considerably
faster and more efciently if you copy applications and les from CDs/DVDs to your hard disk.
When the hard disk is accessed, the drive indicator lights up.
CD/DVD data storage media (dev
ice d epend ent)
Datastoragem ediaCD/DVD
CD/DVD drives can e ither only read or both read and write different CDs or DVDs. T he
meaning of the respective CD and DVD types is described in the following:
Abbreviation for Compact Disc - Read Only Memory. A CD-ROM is an optical data s torag e
medium that can contain a maximum of 700 Mbytes. These data cannot be chan ged.
Abbreviation for Compact Disc Recordable. A CD-R is an optical data storage medium
that can only be written once with a maximum of 700 Mbytes of data. Then these data
cannot be changed , but can be read as often as desired.
Abbreviation for Compact Disc ReWriteable. A CD-RW is an optical data stora ge m edium
that can be written with a maximum of 700 MByte of data a virtually unlimited number
of times. This means the data can be deleted and changed.
DVD (DVD-ROM and DVD video)
Abbreviation for Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc. A DVD is an optical data storage
medium that can conta in a maximum of 17 GBytes of data. These d ata cannot be changed.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Fujitsu Siemens AMILO Li2735

Fujitsu Siemens AMILO Li2735 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 73 pagina's

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