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Important notes
Travelling with your notebook
MobileoperationNotesTrans portati onNotebook
Please observe the points listed below when travelling with your notebook.
Before you travel
Back up important data stored on y our hard disk.
Switch off the radio component for data security reasons. With data trafc via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorised third parties to receive data.
Information on a ctivatin g data encryption is pro vided in the docu m entation
for your radio component.
If you wish to use your notebook during a ight, rst check with the ight
attendants if it i s OK to do so.
When travelling in other countries
If you are travelling abroad, check that the mains adapter can be operated with the
local mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate mains adapter fo r
your notebook. Do not use any other voltage converter!
Check w h ether the local power supply and the specications of the power cable are
compatible. If this is n ot the case, buy a power cable that matches the local conditions. Do
not use a connection adapter for electrical devices to connect the notebook.
Enquire with the corresponding govern ment ofce of the country you will be
travelling in as to whether you may operate the radio component integrated in
your notebook t here (see also "
CE marking", Page 58).
If you are planning to use a modem, please be aware that it may not necessarily be compatible
with the local telephone system. This may result in poor performance, or the modem may not work
at all. You may require a c ountry-specic telephone adapter (available as an optional accessory).
Transporting the Notebook
Protect the notebook from severe shocks and extreme temperatures
(e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
Remove all disks (e.g. CD, DV
D) from th e drives.
TransportationN otebook
Switch the notebo ok off.
Unplug the mains adapter and all
external devices from the power socket.
Disconnect the mains adapter cable and the data cables for all external devices.
Close the LCD screen so that it loc
ks into place.
To protect against dam aging jolts and bumps, use a notebook carrying
case to transport your notebook.
6 10600900868, edition 1

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