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Innovative tech nology...
Innovative technology...
and ergonom ic design make your AMILO a reliable, convenient no tebook.
Your notebook is available in several different versions. Most of the sections in this manual
apply to all models any differences are indicated separately. Some of the illustrations
and features in this manu al may differ from your model and are for guidance only. The
"optional" components described in this manual are only available on some versions of the
device and must be selected directly w hen purchasing. At the time of publication of this
manual, it is not yet possible to state whe ther the "device-specic" components and functions
described in this manual are available for your version of the device.
If you have purchased a notebook with a Microsoft Windows operating system, this is pre-installed and
optimally congured for you. The notebook is ready to use immediately the rst time you switch it on.
Your notebook features the very latest technology so that you get the best performance from
your computing experience. Depending on which model you own, you have access to:
Up to 2 or 4 GB of main memory (RAM). Please contact our Technical Support
for information on approved memory modules.
a CD/DVD burner drive to play DVD m o vies and record your own CDs/DVDs
several USB ports which provide easy expansion with webcams, game pads, printers and more
Integrated LAN or wireless LAN for Internet access
Integrated audio controller and speakers
You can even connect a microphone and external loudspeakers to
obtain an even better output level.
With the user-f riendly " BIOS-Setup-Utility" you can control your notebook’s hardware and protect
your system better against unauthorised a ccess by using the p owerful password properties.
This operating manual tells you how to put your AMILO into operation, a nd
how to operate it in daily use.
Are you missing informat
An overview with further information about your notebook can be found in
Information sources", Page 5.
10600900868, edition 1 1

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Fujitsu Siemens AMILO Li2735 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 73 pagina's

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