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Using your notebook for the rst time
Selecting the location
Location, selecting theNotebookPower adapter
Select a suitable location for the notebook before setting it up. Consider
the following points when selecting a location:
Never place the no tebook on a s oft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholste red furniture,
bed). This can block the air vents and cause damage due to overheating.
Do not p lace the notebook directly on your legs for extended periods. The
underside of the notebook heats up during normal operation. Extended contact
with the skin can become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the notebook on a stable, at, non-slip surface. Please note that
the rubber feet may mark certain types of surfaces.
Keep other objects 100 mm away from the notebook and its mains
adapter to ensure adequate ventilation.
Never cover the ventilation slots on the noteb ook or the mains adapter.
Do not expose the notebook to extreme environmental conditions. Protect
the notebook ag ainst dust, humidity and heat.
Connecting the power adapter
Preparing for operationPower adapter
Please refer to the instructions
in "
Safety information", Page 4.
The power cable supplied conforms
to the requirements of the country in which
you purchased your note book. Mak
e sure that the power cable is approved
for use in the country in which y
ou intend to use it.
The mains adapter’s power cable
must only be connected to a m ains socket
if the notebook is conne cted to
the mains adapter.
Make sure that the rated current
of the mains adapter is not higher than that of the
power system to which you conne
ct it (see tech nical data for the mains adapter).
Connect the mains adapter cable (1) to the
DC jack (DC IN) on the notebook.
Plug the power cable (2) into the
mains ada pter.
Plug the power cab le (3) into a mains outlet.
10600790720, edition 1 9

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Fujitsu Siemens AMILO Li 1820 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 73 pagina's

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