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Troubleshooting and tips
50 440 N00052
The mouse does not work
Mouse driver not loaded
Ê Check whether the correct mouse driver is properly installed and is present before the
application programme is started.
Detailed information can be found in the User Guides for the mouse, the application
programme or the operating system.
Mouse is not connected
Ê Switch the notebook off.
Ê Check whether the mouse cable is correctly connected to the notebook.
If you use an adapter or extension lead with the mouse cable, check the connections.
Ê Switch the notebook on.
The floppy disk cannot be written
Ê Check whether the disk is OK and is not write-protected.
The printer does not print
Ê Make sure that the printer is switched on and is on-line (see the manuals supplied with the
Ê Check that the cable connecting the notebook and the printer is connected properly.
Ê Check that the correct printer driver is installed.
Ê Check in the BIOS Setup whether the Onboard Devices Configuration field is set correctly for the
port you are using.
The respective entry in the fields of Serial Port or Parallel Port must match the setting in the
application programme under Windows 9x.
Acoustic warnings
A beep sounds every few seconds
The battery is almost flat.
Ê Charge the battery.
System configuration contains invalid data
Ê Switch the notebook off.
Ê Switch the notebook on.
Ê Enter the BIOS Setup programme by pressing [F2].
Ê Select the default values under Load Default Settings.
Ê Mark Yes in the "Do you want to load default settings?" dialogue box.
Ê Press the Enter key.

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Fujitsu Siemens AMILO D Series- La 1703 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 78 pagina's

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