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OSE Fujitsu DL3600
Print method 24-pin impact dot matrix
Print speed 300 cps @ 10 cpi, 360 cps @ 12 cpi, high-speed draft;
90 cps @ 10 cpi, 108 cps @ 12 cpi, letter quality
Resolution 360 dpi
Fonts Eight resident fonts plus downloadable fonts and optional
plug-in font cards
Paper Handling Rear push tractor feed, friction feed. Up to five-part
forms, maximum thickness 0.33 mm
Interfaces CENTRONICS parallel or RS-232C serial
Emulations Fujitsu DPL24C PLUS, IBM Proprinter XL24, Epson
LQ-2500 and LQ-2550
Options CENTRONICS parallel and RS-232C serial interface, cut
sheet feeder, font and emulation cards, color kit
Control Panel
POWER light: Indicates printer is on.
ONLINE light: Indicates printer is ready to receive data.
PAPER OUT light: Indicates printer is out of paper.
LETTER and DRAFT lights: Indicate which print quality, letter or draft, is
FONT1 and FONT2 lights: Indicate which user-defined font/pitch combination
is selected.
MENU1 and MENU2 lights: Indicate which user-defined print feature set is
ONLINE key: Press to toggle printer online and offline.
FF key: Press to advance continuous feed paper one page or to eject a single
sheet. If PAPER OUT light is on, press to load paper to top of-form.
LF key: Press to advance paper one line.
TEAR OFF key: Press to advance continuous feed paper to the tear-off edge.
After tearing off paper, press any key to retract forms to top-of-form.
MODE key: With the printer offline, press to cycle between the LETTER/DRAFT,
FONT1/FONT2 and MENU1/MENU2 option pairs. An option pair is active when one
light is on and the other is flashing. On steadily indicates an option is selected;
flashing indicates an option is not selected. Press FF or LF key to select left-hand
or right-hand option, respectively. To return to normal mode, continue pressing
MODE key until no option pair lights are flashing. To return parameters to factory
default settings, hold MODE and LF keys while turning on printer. Continue holding
keys until printer beeps.
LOAD/UNLOAD key: Press to advance paper to top of form or to retract con-
tinuous feed paper to park position.
Turn on printer while holding FF key. Continue holding FF key until printer beeps.
The firmware version, resident emulations and a continuous ASCII pattern is printed.
To pause self-test or hex dump, press MODE or LF key. To resume, press MODE
or LF key again. To terminate, press ONLINE key.
Hex dump
Turn on printer while holding FF and LF keys.
Printer Configuration
The printer is configured through the setup mode. Load continuous feed paper and
turn on printer while holding MODE key. Continue holding MODE key until the
printer beeps. Upon entering setup mode, the function menu and instructions for
using the setup mode are printed. Upon selecting a function that contains items and
options, that function's first item and its options are printed. Each function is summa-
rized below. *Denotes default settings.
SAVE&END - Select to save any changes made in setup mode and exit setup
mode. To exit setup mode without saving changes, turn printer off.
PANEL - Assigns a font and pitch to FONT1 and FONT2 and regular or high-
speed draft to DRAFT on control panel.
CORRESP, [names from font card] DOWNLD0, DOWNLD1
<F1PITCH> - ## CPI (default 10 cpi), PROP SP
<FONT2> - (Same as FONT1 except default = PRSTG12)
<F2PITCH> - ## CPI (default 12 cpi), PROP SP
MENU1 and MENU2 - Assigns print features to MENU1 and MENU2 on control
panel. Items and options for MENU1 and MENU2 are identical.
<EMULATE, - DPL24C *, IBMXL24, LQ2500, LQ2550, names from emulation
names from font card‘ DOWNLD0, DOWNLD1
<PITCH> - # CPI (default 10 cpi), PROP SP
<LINE SP> - ## LPI (default 6 Ipi)3
<CHAR-W(idth)> - NORMAL, 2TIMES, 4TIMES (i)
<CHAR-H(eight)> - NORMAL, 2TIMES, 4TIMES (i)
<PAGE LG> - ## IN (default 11 inches)
<COLOR> - AUTOSEL (software makes selection), BLACK, YELLOW, MAGENTA,
<LFT-END> - ## COLM (specifies starting column of left margin, default 1)
<TOP-MRG> - ## LINE (specifies top margin, default 1)
FINNISH, DANISH1, DANISH2, PAGE### ISO8859 additional available for Epson
August 1995 Copyright IBM Corporation 1995.
All rights reserved. FJ-4 1

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