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Explanation of Terms
AF/AE Lock:
On the FinePix S602 ZOOM, pressing the shutter button down half way locks the focus and exposure settings
(AF and AE lock). If you want to focus on a subject that is not centered in the frame or change the picture
composition after the exposure is set, you can obtain good results by changing the composition after the AF
and AE settings are locked.
Auto Power Save Function:
If the camera is not used in any way for 30 seconds, this function switches features such as the LCD
monitor off (Sleep mode) to prevent battery depletion and the waste of power when the AC power adapter is
connected. If the camera is then left unused for a further period, the Auto Power Save function switches the
camera off. This period can be set to 2 minutes or 5 minutes on this camera.
h The Auto Power Off function does not operate in PC mode, during automatic playback, or if it is disabled
during setup.
Digital Print Order Format
DPOF is a format used for recording information on a storage media (image memory card, etc.) that allows
you to specify which of the frames shot using a digital camera are printed and how many prints are made of
each image.
A number that denotes Exposure Value. The EV is determined by the brightness of the subject and sensitivity
(speed) of the film or CCD. The number is larger for bright subjects and smaller for dark subjects. As the
brightness of the subject changes, a digital camera maintains the amount of light hitting the CCD at a
constant level by adjusting the aperture and shutter speed.
When the amount of light striking the CCD doubles, the EV increases by 1. Likewise, when the light is halved,
the EV decreases by 1.
Joint Photographics Experts Group
A file format used for compressing and saving color images. The compression ratio can be selected, but the
higher the compression ratio, the poorer the quality of the expanded image.
Motion JPEG:
A type of AVI (Audio Video Interleave) file format that handles images and sound as a single file. Images in
the file are recorded in JPEG format. Motion JPEG can be played back by QuickTime 3.0 or later.
PC Card:
A generic term for cards that meet the PC Card Standard.
PC Card Standard:
A standard for PC cards determined by the PCMCIA.
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (US).
Graphics standards for PCs. Images are displayed at 640 × 480 and 320 × 240 pixels respectively.
A standard format used on Windows systems for saving audio data. WAVE files have the .WAV file
extension and the data can be saved in either compressed or uncompressed format. This camera use PCM
WAVE files can be played back on a personal computer using the following software:
Windows : MediaPlayer
Macintosh: QuickTime Player
QuickTime 3.0 or later
White Balance:
Whatever the kind of the light, the human eye adapts to it so that a white object still looks white. On the other
hand, devices such as digital cameras see a white subject as white by first adjusting the color balance to suit
the color of the ambient light around the subject. This adjustment is called matching the white balance. A
function that automatically matches the white balance is called an Automatic White Balance function.
A phenomenon specific to CCDs whereby white streaks appear on the image when there is a very strong light
source, such as the sun or reflected sunlight, in the photography screen.
Exif Print Format is a newly revised digital camera file format that contains a variety of shooting information
for optimal printing.

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