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Do not leave the camera in very humid or dusty locations or
locations affected by oil smoke or steam.
Leaving the camera in such locations may cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not leave the camera in unusually hot locations.
Do not leave the camera in a closed car or in a location exposed to direct
This could cause a fire.
Do not place heavy objects on the camera.
The camera could overbalance and fall, resulting in an injury.
Do not move the camera while the AC power adapter is connected.
This could damage the power cord or the cable and cause a fire or electric
Do not cover the camera or AC power adapter with blankets or
This can cause heat to build up and result in deformation of the camera casing
or a fire.
When cleaning the camera or when the camera will not be used for
an extended period, remove the batteries and disconnect the AC
power adapter.
Failure to do so could cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not operate the flash close to people’s eyes.
This can cause temporarily damaged eyesight.
Regularly request internal inspections and cleaning.
The buildup of dust inside the camera could cause camera faults or a fire.
• Contact an authorized FUJIFILM dealer and request internal cleaning once
every two years.
When you are not using the camera, fit the lens cap on the lens and
store the camera out of direct sunlight.
Sunlight entering the lens could cause a fire.
Do not move the camera or lens while it is mounted on a tripod.
The camera could fall over or strike someone and cause an injury.
Storage note
Do not move
Keep button-cell batteries out of the reach of small children to
prevent the batteries from being accidentally swallowed.
If swallowed, button-cell batteries can cause symptoms of poisoning. If a
battery is swallowed, consult a physician immediately.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fujifilm finepix s1 pro

Fujifilm finepix s1 pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 148 pagina's

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