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For Your Safety
If the battery leaks and  uid gets in contact with your eyes, skin or clothing.
Flush the a ected area with clean water and seek medical attention or call an
emergency number right away.
Do not use the charger to charge batteries other than those speci ed here.
The Ni-MH battery charger is designed for Fuji lm HR-AA Ni-MH bat-
teries. Using the charger to charge conventional batteries or other
types of rechargeable batteries can cause the battery to leak  uid,
overheat or burst.
When carrying the battery, install it in a digital camera or keep it in the hard
case. When storing the battery, keep it in the hard case. When discarding,
cover the battery terminals with insulation tape.
Contact with other metallic objects or battery could cause the bat-
tery to ignite or burst.
Keep Memory Cards out of the reach of small children.
Because Memory Cards are small, they can be swallowed by children.
Be sure to store Memory Cards out of the reach of small children. If
a child swallows a Memory Card, seek medical attention or call an
emergency number.
Do not use this camera in locations a ected by oil fumes, steam, humidity or
This can cause a  re or electric shock.
Do not leave this camera in places subject to extremely high temperatures.
Do not leave the camera in locations such as a sealed vehicle or in
direct sunlight. This can cause a  re.
Keep out of the reach of small children.
This product could cause injury in the hands of a child.
Do not place heavy objects on the camera.
This can cause the heavy object to tip over or fall and cause injury.
Do not move the camera while the AC power adapter is still connected. Do not
pull on the connection cord to disconnect the AC power adapter.
This can damage the power cord or cables and cause a  re or electric
Do not use the AC power adapter when the plug is damaged or the plug socket
connection is loose.
This could cause a  re or electric shock.
Do not cover or wrap the camera or the AC power adapter in a cloth or blanket.
This can cause heat to build up and distort the casing or cause a  re.
When you are cleaning the camera or you do not plan to use the camera for
an extended period, remove the battery and disconnect and unplug the AC
power adapter.
Failure to do so can cause a  re or electric shock.
When charging ends, unplug the charger from the power socket.
Leaving the charger plugged into the power socket can cause a  re.
Using a  ash too close to a person’s eyes may temporarily a ect the eyesight.
Take particular care when photographing infants and young chil-
When an xD-Picture Card is removed, the card could come out of the slot too
quickly. Use your  nger to hold it and gently release the card.
Request regular internal testing and cleaning for your camera.
Build-up of dust in your camera can cause a  re or electric shock.
Contact your FUJIFILM dealer to request internal cleaning every 2
• Please note this is not a free of charge service.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fujifilm HS10

Fujifilm HS10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 149 pagina's

Fujifilm HS10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 149 pagina's

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