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eIf you think the camera is faulty, check the following once more.
Frame erase does not
erase the frame.
function does not erase
all the frames.
Screens are not
displayed in English.
There is no image or
sound on the TV.
The TV image is black
and white.
When the camera is
connected to a PC, the
photographed image or
playback image appears
on the camera’s LCD
Nothing happens when
I use the Mode switch.
The camera no longer
works correctly.
Can’t print with
The camera was
connected to a PC
when the USB mode
was set to “
Some frames may be protected.
A language other than English is selected
in the “ ” setting in the “SET-UP”
menu (P.61).
i The included A/V cable was connected
during movie playback.
The camera is not connected to the TV
i “TV” is selected as the TV input.
i The video output setting is incorrect.
i The TV volume is turned down.
The video output setting is incorrect.
i The USB cable is not correctly
connected to the PC or camera.
i The PC is not turned on.
i Camera malfunction.
i The battery runs out.
The camera has suffered an unforeseen
” is not selected in USB mode in the
“SET-UP” menu.
Unprotect frames using the camera on
which the protection was first applied.
1Press the “MENU/OK” button to display
the menu.
2Press “dor “cto select “
F” and press
a” or “b” to select “SET-UP”. (Press the
“MENU/OK” button to display the “SET-
UP” screen on the LCD monitor.)
3Press “d” or “c” to move to option 3 and
then press “a” or “b” to select “ ”.
4Press “d” or “c” several times to select
5Press the “MENU/OK” button.
i After the movie playback mode is stopped,
connect the camera and TV correctly.
i Connect the camera and TV correctly.
i Set the TV input to “VIDEO”.
Change the setting to “NTSC” or “PAL” (P.61).
i Adjust the volume.
Change the setting to “NTSC” or “PAL”
i Set up the camera and the USB cable
(included) correctly.
i Turn the PC on.
Briefly remove the battery or disconnect the
AC power adapter. Then reload the battery or
reconnect the AC power adapter and try again.
i Load a new or fully charged battery.
Briefly remove the battery or disconnect
the AC power adapter. Then reload the
battery or reconnect the AC power adapter
and try again.
If the message still appears,
contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
Select “
” in USB mode in the “SET-
UP” menu.
Perform steps
to remove the
camera from PC.
h Windows
The “New Hardware Found” wizard (or
“Scanner and Camera” wizard)
appears. If the wizard does not appear,
proceed to step
Click the [Cancel] button.
Disconnect the camera from the PC.
h Macintosh
The window for locating the driver
appears. If the window does not
appear, proceed to step
Click the [Cancel] button.
Disconnect the camera from the
Troubleshooting Possible causes Solutions
Model Digital camera FinePix F450
Effective pixels 5.2 million pixels
CCD sensor 1/2.5 inch square pixel CCD
Number of total pixels 5.36 million pixels
Storage media xD-Picture Card (16/32/64/128/256/512 MB)
File format Still image: JPEG (Exif ver. 2.2)
Design rule for Camera File System compliant DPOF compatible
Movie: AVI format, Motion JPEG
Audio: WAVE format, Monaural sound
Number of recorded pixels Still image: 2592 × 1944 pixels/2048 × 1536 pixels/1600 × 1200 pixels/
640 × 480 pixels (
Movie: 320 × 240 pixels (10 frames per second with monaural sound)
160 × 120 pixels (10 frames per second with monaural sound)
Lens Fujinon 3.4 × optical zoom lens
Aperture: F2.8 to F5.5
Focal length f=6.3 mm to 21.6 mm
(Equivalent to 38 mm to 130 mm on a 35 mm camera)
Focus TTL contrast-type, Auto focus
Focal range Normal: Approx. 60 cm (2.0 ft.) to infinity
Macro: Wide-angle: Approx. 9.0 cm (3.5 in.) to 80 cm (2.6 ft.)
Telephoto : Approx. 39 cm (1.3 ft.) to 80 cm (2.6 ft.)
Shutter speed 2 sec. to 1/2000 sec. (depend on Exposure mode)
Aperture F2.8 to F7.4 (automatically selected)
Sensitivity Photography mode (
a): AUTO (Equivalent to ISO 80-400, depending on
Photography mode (s, m, ,, ., /): ISO 80/100/200/400
Photometry TTL 64-zones metering
Exposure control Program AE
Exposure compensation
–2.1 EV to +1.5 EV in 0.3 Steps EV increments (in Manual photography mode)
White balance Photography mode (a, m, ,, ., /): AUTO
Photography mode (s): 7 positions can be selected
Viewfinder Real image optical Approx. 78% coverage
LCD monitor 2.0-inche, 154,000 pixels low-temperature poly-silicon TFT, Approx. 97%
Flash type Auto flash
Effective range: Wide-angle: Approx. 0.6 m-3.6 m (2.0 ft.-12.0 ft.)
Telephoto: Approx. 0.6 m-2.0 m (2.0 ft.-6.7 ft.)
Macro: Approx. 0.3 m-0.8 m (1.0 ft.-2.6 ft.)
Flash modes: Auto, Red-eye reduction, Forced flash, Suppressed flash,
Slow synchro, Red-eye reduction + Slow synchro
Self-Timer 10 sec.
Video output NTSC/PAL selectable
Input/Output Terminals
External connection terminals
Special USB cable, special A/V cable, cradle connection
DC Input To connect the AC power Adapter AC-5VW

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