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Power Supply and Others
Power supply
Use one of the following:
i 2×AA-size alkaline batteries
i Rechargeable Battery NH-10 (sold separately)
i 2×AA-size Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) batteries (sold separately)
i AC-3VW (PictureCradle CP-FXA10, Sold separately)
i AC Power Adapter AC-3V (sold separately)
Guide to the number of
available frames for battery
Conditions for use
Temperature: 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F); 80% humidity or less (no
Camera dimensions (W/H/D)
98.5 mm × 65 mm × 52.5 mm/3.9 in. × 2.6 in. × 2.1 in.
(not including accessories and attachments)
Camera mass
(weight) Approx. 175 g/6.2 oz.
(not including accessories, batteries and xD-Picture Card)
Weight for photography
Approx. 225 g/7.9 oz.
(including batteries and xD-Picture Card)
See P.7
Optional Accessories
See P.67
The number of available frames for battery operation given here is a guide to the
number of consecutive frames that can be taken under FUJIFILM test conditions.
i Batteries used: Using the alkaline batteries bundled with the camera
Using Ni-MH batteries or the NH-10 Rechargeable Battery at full charge
i Shooting conditions: Measured at normal temperature with 50% flash use
i Note: The number of available frames varies depending on the capacity of the
alkaline batteries and the amount of charge in the Ni-MH batteries or NH-10
Rechargeable Battery. Consequently, FUJIFILM makes no guarantee with
regard to the numbers of available frames for battery operation given here. Note
that the number of available frames will be lower at low temperatures.
Alkaline batteries Approx. 200 frames Approx. 300 frames
Rechargeable Battery
Approx. 300 frames Approx. 400 frames
Ni-MH batteries 2100 mAh Approx. 330 frames Approx. 440 frames
Battery Type With LCD monitor ON With LCD monitor OFF
These specifications are subject to change without notice. FUJIFILM shall not be held liable for
damages resulting from errors in this Owner’s Manual.
The LCD monitor on your digital camera is manufactured using advanced high-precision technology.
Even so, small bright points and anomalous colors (particularly around text) may appear on the
monitor. These are normal display characteristics and do not indicate a fault with the monitor. This
phenomenon will not appear on the recorded image.
The operation error may be caused in a digital camera by the strong radio interference (i. e. electric
fields, static electricity, line noise, etc.).
Due to the nature of the lens, the edges of photographed images may appear distorted. This is
normal and does not indicate a fault.
FinePix A210
Model Digital camera FinePix A210
Number of effective pixels 3.2 million pixels
CCD sensor 1/2.7-inch square pixel CCD
Number of total pixels 3.34 million pixels
Number of recorded pixels Still image: 2048 × 1536 pixels/1600 × 1200 pixels/1280 × 960 pixels/
640 × 480 pixels (
Movie: 320 × 240 pixels (10 frames per second without sound)
160 × 120 pixels (10 frames per second without sound)
Storage media xD-Picture Card (16/32/64/128/256 MB)
File format Still image: JPEG (Exif ver. 2.2)
Design rule for Camera File System compliant DPOF compatible
Movie: AVI format, Motion JPEG
Lens Fujinon 3× optical zoom lens
Aperture F3 to F4.8/F7 to F10.8 (automatically selected)
Focus length f=5.5 mm to 16.5 mm
(Equivalent to 36 mm to 108 mm on a 35 mm camera)
Focal range Normal: Approx. 0.8 m (2.6 ft.) to infinity
Macro: Approx. 0.1 m (3.9 in.) to 1.0 m (3.3 ft.)
Shutter speed 1/2 sec. to 1/2000 sec. (combined with mechanical shutter)
Focus TTL contrast-type, Auto focus
Sensitivity Equivalent to ISO100 (at flash off)
Photometry TTL 64-zones metering
Exposure control Program AE
Exposure compensation –2.1 EV to +1.5 EV in 0.3-step increments (in Manual mode)
White balance Auto
Manual modes, 7 positions can be selected
Viewfinder Real image optical Approx. 80% coverage
LCD monitor 1.5-inches, 60,000-pixel Amorphous silicon TFT,
Approx. 92% coverage
Flash Auto flash using flash control sensor
Effective range: Wide-angle: Approx. 0.8 m to 3.5 m (2.6 ft. to 11.5 ft.)
(Approx. 0.3 m to 1.0 m (1.0 ft. to 3.3 ft.):
Telephoto: Approx. 0.8 m to 3.0 m (2.6 ft. to 9.8 ft.)
Flash modes: Auto, Red-Eye Reduction, Forced Flash, Suppressed Flash,
Slow Synchro
, Red-Eye Reduction + Slow Synchro
In Manual mode
Self-Timer 10 sec.
Video output NTSC/PAL selectable
Standard number of available frames/recording time per xD-Picture Card
The number of available frames, recording time or file size varies slightly depending on the subjects photographed. Note also
that the divergence between standard number of available frames and the actual number of available frames is greater for
xD-Picture Cards with higher capacities.
Quality mode
DPC-16 (16 MB)
DPC-32 (32 MB)
DPC-64 (64 MB)
DPC-128 (128 MB)
DPC-256 (256 MB)
Image Data Size
Number of recorded pixels
780 KB
2048 × 1536
630 KB
1600 × 1200
470 KB
1280 × 960
130 KB
640 × 480
Approx. 98 sec.
Approx. 199 sec.
Approx. 6.6 min.
Approx. 13.3 min.
Approx. 26.7 min.
320 × 240
Approx. 5.6 min.
Approx. 11.3 min.
Approx. 22.7 min.
Approx. 45.5 min.
Approx. 91.2 min.
160 × 120
Input/Output Terminals
Video output socket
2.5 mm dia. jack
(USB) socket
For file transfer to a computer and connection to the optional cradle
DC Input
Socket for specified AC power adapter AC-3V (sold separately)
Connection for the AC Power Adapter AC-3VW bundled with the cradle
(sold separately)

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