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16MB, 3.3V
Supplied with:
Anti-static case
Index label
AA-size Nickel Metal
Hydride (Ni-MH) batteries
Battery Charger BC-NH
Test Shots Prior to Photography
For particularly important photographs
such as weddings and
overseas trips
, always take a test photograph to check that the
camera is functioning normally.
Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd cannot accept liability for any
incidental losses (such as the costs of photography or the loss
of income from photography) incurred as a result of faults with
this product.
Notes on Copyright
Images recorded using your digital camera system cannot be
used in ways that infringe copyright laws without the consent of
the owner, unless intended only for personal use. Note that
some restrictions apply to the photographing of stage
performances, entertainments and exhibits, even when
intended purely for personal use. Users are also asked to note
that the transfer of memory cards containing images or data
protected under copyright laws is only permissible within the
restrictions imposed by those copyright laws.
Liquid Crystal
If the LCD monitor or LCD panel is damaged, take particular
care with the liquid crystal in the monitor or panel. If any of the
following situations arise, take the urgent action indicated.
If liquid crystal comes in contact with your skin
Wipe the area with a cloth and then wash thoroughly with
running water and soap.
If liquid crystal gets into your eye
Flush the affected eye with clean water for at least 15minutes
and then seek medical assistance.
If liquid crystal is swallowed
Flush your mouth thoroughly with water. Drink large quantities
of water and induce vomiting. Then seek medical assistance.
Notes on Electrical Interference
Do not use this device in aircraft or hospitals. The use of this
device in an aircraft or hospital can cause malfunctions in the
control devices used in the aircraft or hospital.
Handling Your Digital Camera
This camera contains precision electronic components. To
ensure that images are recorded correctly, do not subject the
camera to impacts or shocks while an image is being recorded.
Trademark Information
IBM PC/AT is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines Corp. of the USA.
iMac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft
Corporation of the U.S. registered in the USA and other
Windows is an abbreviated term referring to the Microsoft
Windows Operating System.
SmartMedia is a trademark of Toshiba Corporation.
Other company or product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective companies.Trademark
Explanation of Color Television System
NTSC : National Television System Committee, color
television telecasting specifications adopted mainly in
the U.S.A., Canada and Japan.
PAL : Phase Alternation by Line,a color television system
adopted mainly by European countries and China.
Camera Features and Accessories
The newly developed Super CCD which delivers an high
resolution image file with 4.3 million pixels.
Built-in 3zoom lens with a low-dispersion aspherical lens for
superb optical performance
Compact and lightweight aluminum-magnesium alloy body
Quick, responsive operation with 2-second startup and 1
second between shots.
Fast ISO 200 film speed and built-in automatic flash allow
shooting in a wider range of situations.
Auto focus with macro function (manual focus also available)
Automatic shooting modes that can be tailored to subjects in
different photography conditions
Manual photography mode that allows fine tuning of the
photography settings
Convenient preview function for quickly checking of your shots
Smooth digital zoom function (1.88at megapixel resolutions)
and playback zoom function (up to 15)
The Framing Guideline function makes it easy to compose
perfectly balanced shots.
Continuous shooting function even at maximum resolution.
Movie shooting function (320 240 pixels with sound)
2-inch 130,000-pixel low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD
Select your favorite image as the startup screen.
Dot-matrix LCD panel simplifies camera operation.
USB connection for quick and easy image data transmission
Conforms to the new standard for digital camera file
Design rule for Camera File System.
Supports DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) for simple print
Features Accessories
Hand Strap
A/V Cable (approx. 1.5m
(4.9 ft.), mini-plug (2.5mm
dia.) to pin-plug cable) (1)
Interface Set (1)
CD-ROM (1)
USB Cable (1)
Quick Start Guide
Noise suppression core
Owner’s Manual
this manual

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