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Never attempt to modify or
disassemble the camera. (Never open
the casing.)
Do not use the camera when it has been
dropped or the casing is damaged.
This can cause a fire or electric shock.
Contact your Fuji dealer.
Do not use the camera in the
bathroom or shower.
This can cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not use the audio functions while
Do not use the camera while you are
walking or operating a moving car or
other vehicle.
This can result in you falling down or
being involved in a traffic accident.
Do not touch any metal parts of the
camera during a thunderstorm.
Do not attempt to record or play back
audio while you are walking or in control of
a vehicle such as a car. This could cause
you to fall over or have a traffic accident.
Do not use the batteries except as
Load the batteries with the poles
positioned as indicated by the and
Do not heat, modify or attempt to
disassemble the batteries.
Do not drop or subject the batteries
to impacts.
Do not attempt to recharge lithium or
alkaline batteries.
Do not store the batteries with
metallic products.
Any of these actions can cause the
batteries to burst or leak and cause fire
or injury as a result.
Use only the batteries or AC power
adapter specified for use with this
The use of other power sources can
cause a fire.
Do not
Do not use in the
bathroom or shower.
To ensure that you use your FinePix40i camera
correctly, read these Safety Notes and your Owners
Manual carefully beforehand.
After reading these Safety Notes, store them in a safe
About the Icons
The icons shown below are used in this document to
indicate the severity of the injury or damage that can result
if the information indicated by the icon is ignored and the
product is used incorrectly as a result.
This icon indicates that death or
serious injury can result if the
information is ignored.
This icon indicates that personal
injury or material damage can
result if the information is ignored.
The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of
the information which is to be observed.
Triangular icons notify the user of information
requiring attention (Important ).
Circular icons with a diagonal bar notify the user
that the action indicated is prohibited
Filled circles with an exclamation mark notify the
user of an action that must be performed
Safety Notes
When a fault arises, switch the
camera off and then remove the
batteries and disconnect the AC
power adapter.
Continued use of the camera when it is
emitting smoke, is emitting any unusual
odor, or is in any other abnormal state
can cause a fire or electric shock.
Contact your Fuji dealer.
Do not allow water or foreign objects
to enter the camera.
If water or a foreign object has entered
the camera, switch the camera off and
then remove the batteries and
disconnect the AC power adapter.
Continued use of the camera can cause
a fire or electric shock.
Contact your Fuji dealer.
Do not place the camera on an
unstable surface.
This can cause the camera to fall or tip
over and cause injury.
Unplug from
power socket.

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