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Trouble connecting?
When turning the speaker on, it will try to reconnect to the last device for 30
seconds. If it can’t find it, it will go into pairing mode for 3 minutes and you can
connect a new device.
Too slow?
Your speaker will stay in pairing mode for 3 minutes only. Missed it? Press the
Bluetooth button for 3 seconds.
Connect a dierent device?
Press the Bluetooth button to set the speaker back into pairing mode and
connect a new device.
Hearing a beep?
The battery is getting low. We’ll give you a warning when you have 20, 15 and 10
per cent capacity left.
The speaker turned o?
The battery was below 5 per cent. Charge the speaker to rock out again..
The speaker went to sleep?
You haven’t played anything in the last 30 minutes or forgot to turn your speaker
o? Turn your speaker o and on again to keep playing music.
Charging other devices?
The playtime of your speaker will be shorter when using the Powerbank port to
charge other devices.
The safety guidelines are designed for you to get the maximum performance from your Fresh ‘n Rebel
products safely. To ensure reliable operation:
• Always follow all instructions and warnings closely.
• Read all instructions in the user manual carefully before operating the speaker.
Do not attempt to modify or open the speaker. There are no serviceable parts inside and this will void
your warranty.
• Do not use the speaker in a wet environment or conditions.
Do not operate the speaker in or near a significant heat source, heat vent, or under direct sunlight for
long durations.
• The speaker should be used in environment ranging from 5 ºC - 45ºC (41ºF – 113ºF).
• Do not cover the speaker with paper or other materials. This may aect its cooling capacity.
• Do not place heavy objects on the speaker.
• Do not attempt to push objects into openings of the speaker
• Do not rely on your speaker for emergency communications.
• Keep your speaker away from medical devices, including pacemakers and hearing aids.
Turn o your speaker in aircrafts. Using your speaker in an aircraft might aect aircraft operations and
might be illegal.
Warranty & Limitations
We warranty the product against defects in material and workmanship under normal usage for a period of 2
year from the date of purchase. During that period, defective products may be oered for repair or replace-
ment at the store where the product was bought. The warranty does not cover accidental damage, wear and
tear, incidental loss, or use beyond the instructions in the user manual.
Product Specifications
Output power: 2 x 10W
DC input: 5V/1A max. (Micro-USB)
Battery capacity: 4000mAh
USB output: 5V/1A
Bluetooth: 4.0
Size: 217 x 110 x 59 mm
Product weight: 934g

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