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User’s Guide
Language Learning Studio
Please read the following safety warnings and precautions before using your device. Note: If this
device is to be used by young children, this User’s Guide should be read to them by an adult and
their use of the device should be monitored. Failure to do so may cause injury.
1. Getting Started
1.1 Installing the Batteries
Your device is powered by 2 AAA batteries (included).
1. Turn the unit o and turn it over.
2. Open the battery cover on the back of the unit by pushing in
the direction of the arrow.
3. Install the batteries following the +/- markings in the battery
Important: Be sure that the batteries are installed correctly.
Wrong polarity may damage the unit.
4. Replace the battery cover.
Note: Replace the batteries when you see an alert on the screen.
Warning! If the batteries wear out completely, or if you take more than a few seconds while
changing the batteries, any user entered information may be erased. You should always keep
written copies of your important information.
Battery Precautions
• Non-rechargeablebatteriesarenottoberecharged.Neverrechargebatteriesthatcomewith
the device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesaretoberemovedfromthedevicebeforebeingcharged.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobechargedunderadultsupervision.
• Donotmixalkaline,standard(carbon-zinc),orrechargeable(nickle-cadmium)batteries.
• Dierenttypesofbatteriesornewandusedbatteriesarenottobemixed.
• Thesupplyterminalsarenottobeshort-circuited.
• Donotexposebatteriestodirectheatortrytotakebatteriesapart.Followthebattery
manufacturers instructions for battery use.
• Alwaysremoveaweakordeadbatteryfromthedevice.
• Toavoiddamagecausedbyleakageofthebatteryuid,replacethebatteryorbatteriesonce
every two years regardless of how much the device has been used during that time.
• Shouldabatteryleak,thedevicemaybecomedamaged.Cleanthebatterycompartment
immediately, avoiding contact with your skin.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofsmallchildren.Ifswallowed,consultaphysicianimmediately.
1.2 Switching On and O
Press toswitchonorothedevice.Thedeviceisalsoequippedwithadisplaybacklightfor
using in the dark, hold and press toswitchitonoro.
1.3 Setting the Message Language
key (or / and then ) for the language you want. Message language is the language of all
menuitemsandmessagesinyourdevice.Tochangethemessagelanguage,see7.1 Changing the
1.4 Using the Main Menu
Press toaccessthemainmenuatanyscreenstoquicklytakeyoutodierentbooksand
exercisesinyourdevice.Themainmenucontainsvetabs:Books, Learn, Exercises, Games and
Tools. Use / to move to another tab. Use / to select the option you want and press .
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Eser. Giochi Strum.

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