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If you have problems with your Foscam device, please
contact the the reseller you purchased from, or you can
e-mail the headquarter company headquarters technical
support team: support@foscam.com
Your valuable comments and suggestions on improving
Foscam products are welcomed!
Technical Support
CE Certificate statement Website:
Exporter and Importer Information Opened to Public:
Due to product upgrades and other reasons, this guide may be
slow to update, resulting in slight inconsistencies with the official
website information. Please take the official website
(www.foscam.com) information as the current standard.
Manufacturer: Shenzhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
Addr: Room 901, Unit B, Building 7, Xingke 1st Street
Vanke Cloud City Phase 1, Nanshan Dist., Shenzhen, 518055,
Power indicator/
Signal indicator
Privacy Cover
1. Mounting your webcam
Physical Description
2. Connect your webcam
Q: How do I install the webcam?
A: Just connect the webcam to your computer's USB
port. Wait about a minute for the drivers to
auto-install, and it should then be ready to use with
the application of your choice.
Q: How can I confirm that the webcam is functioning?
A: After being plugged into a USB port, the red light on
the webcam will turn on, and if the webcam is in use
by an application, the green light will turn on.
Q: What do the red light and green light on the webcam
A: The red light means the webcam is powered on, and
the green light means that it is in use by an
Q: Do I need to install drivers on my computer to use
this webcam?
A: Drivers are required but will install automatically
after the webcam is connected to your computer
(typical time required for driver installation to
complete = approx. 1 minute).
Place the webcam where you want it-on the monitor or
the desktop.
Support email: support@foscam.com
Support email: support@foscam.com
Q: What popular software does this webcam support?
A: A wide variety of video chat and broadcasting
applications are supported, such as Skype,
Live@Messager, Facebook, Zoom, WeChat, and more.
Q: Are USB 3.0 ports supported by this webcam?
A: Yes, the webcam supports USB 3.0.
Plug your webcam into your PC's USB port, or TV's STB.
Wait about 1 minute, webcam will install automatically.
Getting started with video calls
To start a video call, both you and the person that you
call must use a video conferencing application such as
Skype, Zoom, WeChat, Gmail, etc. In addition to a USB
webcam and video calling application, both callers need:
A computer with a speaker (or headset) and a
microphone (your webcam has a built-in microphone).
A broadband internet connection (e.g. DSL, T1, or
Please check the system and network requirements of
your video calling application. (Requirements may
vary between applications, but usually a minimum of
2Mbps upload speed from your internet service is

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