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Setting Up Your Foscam
Security Camera
Package Contents
Camera Setup Steps
A. Getting Started
B. Physical Description
C. Setting Up Your Camera:
Wired Connection via Foscam App
Security Tips
Please change the password of your camera regularly, using a
combination of numbers, letters and special characters.
We recommend that you regularly update your camera to the
latest available software and rmware versions to help ensure
the best experience for your camera.
Quick Setup Guide
Indoor FHD IP Security Camera
Note: We highly recommend that you rst begin the setup process
by connecting your camera to your Internet router with an
Ethernet cable. After setup is successful, you’ll be able to unplug
the cable and login to your wireless network for WiFi operability.
Minimum Requirements: To help ensure a smoother video
experience on the smartphone, it’s recommended that your
smartphone has the following:
iOS: version 8.1 or higher.
Android: 4.1 or higher, using a device with a Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU) function.
1. Connect the camera to your Internet router using an Ethernet
2. Connect the power adapter to the camera, and wait for a few
moments until the camera alerts you that the “Wired connection
3. From your smartphone, search for “Foscam” via the App
Store or Google Play Store. Download, install and open the App
to begin conguration.
4. Under “Foscam select Tap to add a camera” and then select
"Camera", after that scan the QR code, which is located at the
bottom of your camera (see illustrations below).
5. On the “Choose Setup Method” screen, conrm that “Wired” is
selected (upper-left corner) and tap “Ready for Wired
Connection. Wait a few moments for a message conrming that
the setup process has been completed (see illustrations below).
To view this guide in other languages (e.g. Español, Français,
Deutsch, Nederlands), and for detailed manuals, tools, etc., please
visit foscam.com/downloads.
Camera added
Scan the QR code which is located
at the bottom of your camera.
Conrm “
Wired” and
then tap “
Ready for
Wired Connection
Tap + button
Tap to add a camera
Scan QR Code
Choose Setup Method
Ready for Wired Connection
Wired Wi-Fi
IP Camera
AC Adapter
USB Power Cable
Quick Steup Guide
Add Cameras
Camera added successfully!
The cords on this product presents a potential strangulation hazard. For
child safety, please keep these cords out of the reach of children.
Ethernet Cable
Quick Setup Guide
Indoor FHD IP Security Camera
Micro SD Card Slot
Power light/
Network light

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Andere handleiding(en) van Foscam C2M

Foscam C2M Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Foscam C2M Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 76 pagina's

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