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Avoid getting fuel liquid in your eyes. If fuel is splashed in the eyes,
remove contact lenses (if worn), flush with water for 15 minutes and
seek medical attention. Failure to seek proper medical attention could
lead to permanent injury.
Fuels can also be harmful if absorbed through the skin. If fuel is
splashed on the skin and/or clothing, promptly remove contaminated
clothing and wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Repeated or
prolonged skin contact with fuel liquid or vapor causes skin irritation.
Be particularly careful if you are taking “Antabuse” or other forms of
disulfiram for the treatment of alcoholism. Breathing gasoline vapors,
or skin contact could cause an adverse reaction. In sensitive
individuals, serious personal injury or sickness may result. If fuel is
splashed on the skin, promptly wash skin thoroughly with soap and
water. Consult a physician immediately if you experience an adverse
WARNING: When refueling always shut the engine off and
never allow sparks or open flames near the filler neck. Never
smoke while refueling. Fuel vapor is extremely hazardous under certain
conditions. Care should be taken to avoid inhaling excess fumes.
WARNING: The flow of fuel through a fuel pump nozzle can
produce static electricity, which can cause a fire if fuel is
pumped into an ungrounded fuel container.
WARNING: Fuel vapor burns violently and a fuel fire can cause
severe injuries. To help avoid injuries to you and others:
Read and follow all the instructions on the pump island;
Turn off your engine when you are refueling;
Do not smoke if you are near fuel or refueling your vehicle;
Keep sparks, flames and smoking materials away from fuel;
Stay outside your vehicle and do not leave the fuel pump unattended
when refueling your vehicle this is against the law in some places;
Keep children away from the fuel pump; never let children pump
Do not use personal electronic devices while refueling.
Maintenance and Specifications
2011 Focus (foc)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 334 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 336 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 337 pagina's

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