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You are required to submit your warranty dispute to BBB AUTO LINE
before asserting in court any rights or remedies conferred by California
Civil Code Section 1793.22(b). You are also required to use BBB AUTO
LINE before exercising rights or seeking remedies created by the Federal
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 2301 et seq. If you choose
to seek redress by pursuing rights and remedies not created by California
Civil Code Section 1793.22(b) or the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act,
resort to BBB AUTO LINE is not required by those statutes.
Your satisfaction is important to Ford Motor Company and to your dealer.
If a warranty concern has not been resolved using the three-step
procedure outlined on the first page of the Customer Assistance section,
you may be eligible to participate in the BBB AUTO LINE program.
The BBB AUTO LINE program consists of two parts mediation and
arbitration. During mediation, a representative of the BBB will contact
both you and Ford Motor Company to explore options for settlement of
the claim. If an agreement is not reached during mediation or you do not
want to participate in mediation, and if your claim is eligible, you may
participate in the arbitration process. An arbitration hearing will be
scheduled so that you can present your case in an informal setting
before an impartial person. The arbitrator will consider the testimony
provided and make a decision after the hearing.
Disputes submitted to the BBB AUTO LINE program are usually decided
within forty days after you file your claim with the BBB. You are not
bound by the decision, and may reject the decision and proceed to court
where all findings of the BBB Auto Line dispute, and decision, are
admissible in the court action. Should you choose to accept the BBB
AUTO LINE decision, Ford is then bound by the decision, and must
comply with the decision within 30 days of receipt of your acceptance
BBB AUTO LINE Application: Using the information provided below,
please call or write to request a program application. You will be asked
for your name and address, general information about your new vehicle,
information about your warranty concerns, and any steps you have
already taken to try to resolve them. A Customer Claim Form will be
mailed that will need to be completed, signed and returned to the BBB
along with proof of ownership. Upon receipt, the BBB will review the
claim for eligibility under the Program Summary Guidelines.
Customer Assistance
2011 Focus (foc)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 334 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 336 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 337 pagina's

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