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WARNING: Never let a passenger hold a child on his or her lap
while the vehicle is moving. The passenger cannot protect the
child from injury in a collision, which may result in serious injury or
WARNING: Never use pillows, books, or towels to boost a child.
They can slide around and increase the likelihood of injury or
death in a collision.
WARNING: Always restrain an unoccupied child seat or booster
seat. These objects may become projectiles in a collision or
sudden stop, which may increase the risk of serious injury.
WARNING: Never place, or allow a child to place, the shoulder
belt under a child’s arm or behind the back because it reduces
the protection for the upper part of the body and may increase the risk
of injury or death in a collision.
WARNING: Do not leave children, unreliable adults, or pets
unattended in your vehicle.
Transporting children
Always make sure your child is secured properly in a device that is
appropriate for their age, height and weight. All children are shaped
differently. The child height, age and weight thresholds provided are
recommendations or the minimum requirements of law. The National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides education and
training to ensure that all children ages 0 to 16 are properly restrained in
the correct restraint system. Ford recommends checking with a NHTSA
Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and your
pediatrician to make sure your seat is appropriate for your child and
properly installed in the vehicle. To locate a child seat fitting station and
CPST contact the NHTSA toll free at 1-888-327-4236 or on the internet
at http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov. In Canada, check with your local St. John
Ambulance office for referral to a CPST or for further information,
contact your provincial ministry of transportation, your local St. John
Ambulance office at http://www.sfa.ca, or Transport Canada at
1–800–333–0371 (http://www.tc.gc.ca).
Seating and Safety Restraints
2011 Focus (foc)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 334 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 336 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 337 pagina's

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