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location, such as the center console or the glove box, when the vehicle is
in motion. The audio extension cable must be long enough to allow the
portable music player to be safely stored while the vehicle is in motion.
USB port (if equipped)
WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle
control, accident and injury. Ford strongly recommends that
drivers use extreme caution when using any device or feature that may
take their focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe
operation of the vehicle. We recommend against the use of any
handheld device while driving and that you comply with all applicable
Your vehicle may be equipped with a
USB port inside your center console.
This feature allows you to plug in
media playing devices, memory
sticks, and also to charge devices if
they support this feature. For
further information on this feature,
refer to Accessing and using your
USB port in the SYNC supplement
or Navigation System supplement.
Radio frequencies:
AM and FM frequencies are established by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) and the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications
Commission (CRTC). Those frequencies are:
AM: 530, 540–1700, 1710 kHz
FM: 87.7, 87.9–107.7, 107.9 MHz
Radio reception factors:
There are three factors that can affect radio reception:
Distance/strength: The further you travel from an FM station, the
weaker the signal and the weaker the reception.
Terrain: Hills, mountains, tall buildings, power lines, electric fences,
traffic lights and thunderstorms can interfere with your reception.
Station overload: When you pass a broadcast tower, a stronger signal
may overtake a weaker one and play while the weak station frequency
is displayed.
Entertainment Systems
2011 Focus (foc)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 334 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 336 pagina's

Ford Focus - maart 2011 - aug 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 337 pagina's

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