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Note: The system is not compatible with
non-Ford aftermarket remote start systems.
Use of these systems may result in vehicle
starting problems and a loss of security
Note: Metallic objects, electronic devices
or a second coded key on the same key
chain may cause vehicle starting problems
if they are too close to the key when starting
the engine. Prevent these objects from
touching the coded key while starting the
engine. Switch the ignition off, move all
objects on the key chain away from the
coded key and restart the engine if a
problem occurs.
Note: Do not leave a duplicate coded key
in the vehicle. Always take your keys and
lock all doors when leaving the vehicle.
The system is an engine immobilization
system. It is designed to help prevent the
engine from being started unless a coded
key programmed to your vehicle is used.
Using the wrong key may prevent the
engine from starting. A message may
appear in the information display.
If you are unable to start the engine with a
correctly coded key, a malfunction has
happened and a message may appear in
the information display.
Automatic Arming
The vehicle arms immediately after you
switch the ignition off.
Automatic Disarming
Switching the ignition on with a coded key
disarms the vehicle.
Replacement Keys
Note: Your vehicle comes equipped with
two integrated keyhead transmitters or two
intelligent access keys.
The integrated keyhead transmitter
functions as a programmed ignition key
that operates all the locks and starts the
vehicle, as well as a remote control.
The intelligent access key functions as a
programmed key that operates the driver
door lock and activates the intelligent
access with push button start system, as
well as a remote control.
If your programmed transmitters or
standard SecuriLock coded keys
(integrated keyhead transmitters only) are
lost or stolen and you do not have an extra
coded key, you will need to have your
vehicle towed to an authorized dealer. You
need to erase the key codes from your
vehicle and program new coded keys.
Store an extra programmed key away from
the vehicle in a safe place to help prevent
any inconveniences. See your authorized
dealer to purchase additional spare or
replacement keys.
Programming a Spare Integrated
Keyhead Transmitter
Note: You can program a maximum of eight
coded keys to your vehicle. All eight can be
integrated keyhead transmitters.
You can program your own integrated
keyhead transmitter or standard
SecuriLock coded keys to your vehicle. This
procedure will program both the engine
immobilizer keycode and the remote entry
portion of the remote control to your
Only use integrated keyhead transmitters
or standard SecuriLock keys.
Fiesta (CCT)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta 2014

Ford Fiesta 2014 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 288 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 346 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 445 pagina's

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