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Side curtain airbags located above the
trim panels over the front and rear side
windows identified by a label or
wording on the headliner or roof-pillar
A flexible headliner which opens above
the side doors to allow side air curtain
Crash sensors and monitoring
system with readiness indicator.
See Crash Sensors and Airbag
Indicator (page 41).
Children 12 years old and under should
always be properly restrained in the back
seats. The side curtain airbags will not
interfere with children restrained using a
properly installed child or booster seat
because it is designed to inflate downward
from the headliner above the doors along
the side window opening.
The design and development of the side
curtain airbags included recommended
testing procedures that were developed
by a group of automotive safety experts
known as the Side Airbag Technical
Working Group. These recommended
testing procedures help reduce the risk of
injuries related to the deployment of side
curtain airbags.
Modifying or adding equipment to
the front end of the vehicle (including
frame, bumper, front end body
structure and tow hooks) may affect the
performance of the airbag system,
increasing the risk of injury. Do not modify
the front end of the vehicle.
The vehicle has a collection of crash and
occupant sensors which provide
information to the restraints control
module which deploys (activates) the
front safety belt pretensioners, driver
airbag, passenger airbag, knee airbag(s),
seat mounted side airbags, and the side
curtain airbags. Based on the type of crash
(frontal impact or side impact), the
restraints control module will deploy the
appropriate safety devices.
The restraints control module also
monitors the readiness of the above safety
devices plus the crash and occupant
sensors. The readiness of the safety
system is indicated by a warning indicator
light in the instrument cluster or by a
backup tone if the warning light is not
working. Routine maintenance of the
airbag is not required.
A difficulty with the system is indicated by
one or more of the following:
The readiness light will not
illuminate immediately after the
ignition is turned on.
The readiness light will either flash or
stay lit.
A series of five beeps will be heard. The
tone pattern will repeat periodically
until the problem, the light or both are
Fiesta (CCT)
Supplementary Restraints System

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta 2014

Ford Fiesta 2014 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 288 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 346 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 445 pagina's

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