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The Belt-Minder feature will not activate.The driver's and front passenger's safety
belts are buckled before the ignition switch
is turned to the on position or less than 1-2
minutes have elapsed since the ignition
switch has been turned to on...
The Belt-Minder feature is activated - the
safety belt warning light illuminates and
the warning chime sounds for six seconds
every 25 seconds, repeating for about five
minutes or until the safety belts are
The driver's or front passenger's safety belt
is not buckled when the vehicle has reached
at least 6 mph (9.7 km/h) and 1-2 minutes
have elapsed since the ignition switch has
been turned to on...
The Belt-Minder feature is activated - the
safety belt warning light illuminates and
the warning chime sounds for six seconds
every 25 seconds, repeating for about five
minutes or until the safety belts are
The driver's or front passenger's safety belt
becomes unbuckled for about one minute
while the vehicle is traveling at least 6 mph
(9.7 km/h) and more than 1-2 minutes have
elapsed since the ignition switch has been
turned to on...
Deactivating and Activating the
Belt-Minder Feature
While the system allows you to
deactivate it, this system is designed
to improve your chances of being
safely belted and surviving an accident.
We recommend you leave the system
activated for yourself and others who may
use the vehicle. To reduce the risk of injury,
do not deactivate or activate the system
while driving the vehicle.
Note: The driver and front passenger
warning are deactivated and activated
independently. When deactivating or
activating one seating position, do not
buckle the other position as this will
terminate the process.
Read Steps 1 - 4 thoroughly before
proceeding with the programming
The system can be deactivated or
activated by performing the following
Before following the procedure, make sure
the parking brake is set
the transmission selector lever is in
position P (automatic transmission)
or N (manual transmission)
the ignition is off
the driver and front passenger safety
belts are unbuckled.
1. Turn the ignition on. Do not start the
2. Wait until the safety belt warning light
turns off (about one minute). After
Step 2, wait an additional five seconds
before proceeding with Step 3. Once
Step 3 is started, the procedure must
be completed within 30 seconds.
Fiesta (CCT)
Safety Belts

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta 2014

Ford Fiesta 2014 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 288 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 346 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 445 pagina's

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